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a few more sedikit lagi


Or now we have a few more choices.
Kini kita punya lebih banyak pilihan.
I've got a few more to go.
Masih ada beberapa lagi.
Quite a few more.
Lebih banyak.
Now, staying on this brand thing for just a few more seconds,
Sekarang, masih pada topik merk produk ini
I log onto a few more social sites, I blog,
saya log on ke beberapa situs sosial, saya menulis blog,
but it's certainly a few more than that,
namun sudah pasti sedikit lebih banyak dari itu,
I'll run this a few more times.
saya akan menayangkan ini beberapa kali.
There are a few more really dramatic ones, and then I'll close.
Ada berapa contoh yang dramatis lagi, dan saya akan menutupnya.
You were tired, but you felt you could drive a few more miles.
Anda lelah, namun Anda merasa dapat mengemudi beberapa mil lagi.
where there were a few more atoms than somewhere else.
di mana ada atom lebih banyak daripada di tempat lainnya.
and you've just evolved a few more bells and whistles,
dan Anda hanya mengembangkan sedikit pernak-pernik,
So we looked at a few more conflicts.
Jadi kita melihat pada beberapa konflik lainnya.
shine a few more that we can correct the rest.
menembakkan sedikit lebih banyak laser kami bisa mengoreksi setengah lainnya.
who had used that money that they had received to buy a few more goats.
yang telah menggunakan uang yang mereka terima untuk membeli beberapa ekor kambing.