English to Indonesian
academy | sekolah tinggi khusus untuk kejuruan |
academy of painting | akademi senilukis |
academy | |
noun |
a secondary school (usually private)
sebuah sekolah menengah (biasanya swasta)
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Now, from Khan Academy, we saw Sekarang, dari Khan Academy, kami melihat
the National Academy of Engineering National Academy of Engineering
about the Khan Academy website tentang situs Khan Academy (Akademi Khan)
And when I told the people in the press room at the Academy Awards Dan saat saya katakan pada orang-orang di ruang pers Academy Awards
and the various reports of the U.S. National Academy -- dan berbagai laporan dari Akademi Nasional Amerika --
25 years ago in the U.S. National Academy report than I can say today. 25 tahun lalu dalam laporan Akademi Nasional Amerika yang saya katakan hari ini.
It happened while I was working as a research fellow at the U.S. Naval Academy. Peristiwa ini terjadi saat saya bekerja sebagai peneliti di Akademi Angkatan Laut Amerika.
to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the next week. ke Prussian Academy of Sciences pada minggu berikutnya.
when their academy honored me with a fellowship. ketika perguruan tinggi mereka menganugrahi saya gelar kesarjanaan.
go to the private Lawrence Academy. masuk ke sekolah swasta Lawrence Academy.
The research guidelines of U.S. National Academy of Sciences Pedoman penelitian Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional Amerika
who is at the National Academy of Science, one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, anggota Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional, salah satu ilmuwan saraf terkemuka di dunia,
A year ago today, I was invited to the New York Academy of Medicine. Setahun lalu persis hari ini, saya diundang oleh Akademi Farmasi New York.
This is a 32-million-pound flagship academy school Inilah sekolah unggulan yang baru selesai dibangun di Inggris
the National Academy of Science says Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional mengatakan
I teach at the Science Leadership Academy, Saya mengajar di Science Leadership Academy,