English to Indonesian
anode | kutub positif, kutub negatif dalam baterai |
anode battery | baterai anoda |
anode bridge | jembatan anoda |
anode circuit | rantaian anoda |
anode clamp | sengkang anoda |
anode coil | kumparan anoda |
anode compensation | kompensasi anoda |
anode condenser | kondensator anoda |
anode current | aliran anoda |
anode current modulation | modulasi arus anoda |
anode dark space | ruang gelap anode |
anode detection | deteksi anoda |
anode dissipation | disipasi anoda |
anode impedance | impedansi anode |
anode impedances | impedansi anoda |
anode impedence | rektifikasi anoda |
anode loss | rugi-anoda |
anode modulation | modulasi anoda |
anode reaction | reaksi anoda |
anode resistance | hambat-anoda |
anode supply | pencatuan-anoda |
anode | |
noun |
a positively charged electrode by which electrons leave an electrical device
elektroda bermuatan positif dimana elektron meninggalkan perangkat listrik
source: WordNet 3.0
anode and catode separated by anoda dan katoda dipisahkan dengan
anode which makes amplification possible anoda yang membuat amplifikasi memungkinkan
cadmium anode often used in cadmium anoda sering digunakan dalam
two opposite electrodes anode dua elektroda yang berlawanan anoda
opposite electrodes anode and elektroda yang berlawanan anoda dan
polimer layers and form anode lapisan polimer dan membentuk anoda