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English to Indonesian
approximately kk. kira-kira. A. how much is it? Kira-kira berapa harganya.
(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
(Dari jumlah) tepat tetapi cukup dekat untuk memperbaiki
source: WordNet 3.0


Approximately 5,000 miles from Delhi
Jaraknya sekitar 5.000 mil dari Delhi
Eight hundred years ago, approximately,
Kira-kira 800 tahun yang lalu
approximately every 1,200, 1,300 letters
kira-kira ada sekitar 1.200 atau 1.300 huruf
approximately as a function of time.
kira-kira sebagai fungsi waktu.
Approximately one letter in a hundred
Sekitar 1 dari 100 huruf
happen approximately as a function of time,
terjadi kira-kira sebagai fungsi waktu
[They've] sequenced approximately equally [as] many people
Pengurutan DNA orang yang jumlahnya kira-kira sama
actually have an additional five percent approximately
yang memiliki 5 persen DNA tambahan
approximately one million children live in large
ada sekitar 1 juta anak yang hidup di tempat hunian besar,
Approximately ten years ago,
Kira-kira 10 tahun yang lalu,
of approximately one million square kilometers,
sekitar 1 juta kilometer persegi,
The weight of a paper clip is approximately equal to
Berat dari penjepit kertas ini sama dengan sekitar
has reckoned that the new experiments are approximately
telah memperhitungkan bahwa percobaan baru ini sekitar
My foot is covering approximately 300 miles of mycelium.
Kaki saya menutupi kira-kira 300 mil miselium.
Almost a quarter, or approximately a quarter
Hampir atau mendekati seperempat
approximately nine miles outside of Pittsburgh.
kurang lebih 14,5 km dari Pittsburgh.
is approximately 100 trillion little cellular robots.
adalah sekitar 100 trilyun robot selular kecil.
There are approximately a hundred billion galaxies
Ada sekitar 100 miliar galaksi
kills approximately one million people a year.
membunuh sekitar satu juta orang per tahun.
approximately 50,000 to 70,000 people,
sekitar 50.000 hingga 70.000 orang,
approximately ten photos per photographer, is a lie.
kira-kira 10 foto per fotografer, itu bohong.
We're one species out of approximately,
Kita adalah 1 spesies, dari sekitar --
of the approximately ideal size and attractiveness
dengan bentuk tubuh dan wajah yang ideal
is approximately eight times higher than the U.S. national average.
sekitar 8 kali lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata di Amerika Serikat.
Today there are approximately 6.8 billion people in the world,
Hari ini ada kira-kira 6,8 miliar manusia di dunia.
contains approximately four million species of bacteria, all unknown.
mengandung sekitar empat juta spesies bakteri yang semuanya tidak diketahui.