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as a whole secara keseluruhan


graduates as a whole person,
lulus sebagai manusia yang utuh,
where the building acts as a whole --
di mana gedung benar-benar adalah kesatuan --
who would rehearse, not just the orchestra as a whole, but individuals within it,
yang bukan hanya melatih seluruh orkestra, namun setiap orang di dalamnya,
and we're not paying people, as a whole, more.
dan kita tidak mengupah tenaga kerja lebih tinggi.
because this is really a transformation of the ecosystem as a whole,
Karena ini sungguh sebuah transformasi ekosistem secara keseluruhan.
as a whole hive.
sebagai satu kesatuan koloni.
if the world as a whole were as wealthy as the United States is now
Jika seluruh dunia sama makmurnya dengan Amerika sekarang
the decision about what's relevant -- to the community of the Web as a whole,
keputusan tentang apa yang relevan -- untuk komunitas web secara keseluruhan,
interest of the society as a whole, especially if the elites
masyarakat secara keseluruhan, terutama bila para elitnya
is bad for the society as a whole, there's a real risk of the elite
berdampak buruk bagi masyarakat, ada resiko besar para elit
good for them but bad for society as a whole,
yang baik bagi mereka tapi buruk bagi masyarakat,
but enjoyed by society as a whole.
tapi dinikmati masyarakat secara umum