English to Indonesian
as good as | boleh dikatakan |
as | sama, ketika, sambil, karena, berhubung, walaupun, meskipun, seperti, mirip, laksana |
good | baik, bagus, cocok, senang, sehat, gembira, kebaikan |
as | sama, ketika, sambil, karena, berhubung, walaupun, meskipun, seperti, mirip, laksana |
Example(s)Now this also, as good as it is, wasn't quite enough. Hal ini juga, sebagus-bagusnya hal itu, belum cukup.
that showed that reboxetine was just as good as any other antidepressant, yang menunjukkan bahwa reboxietine sama baiknya dengan obat antidepresi lainnya
But a white pill is not as good as a blue pill. Namun pil putih tidak sebaik pil biru.
the white pill is not as good as the blue pill pil putih tidak sebagus pil biru
is not as good as the capsule is not as good as the needle. tidak sebagus kapsul, dan tidak sebagus jarum suntik.
which was actually as good as Caltech in genetics, yang setara bagusnya dengan Caltech dalam hal genetika,
They were as good as the babies in Taiwan Mereka sama bagusnya dengan bayi-bayi di Taiwan
We're trying to be as good as the breast cancer campaign. Kita mencoba agar dapat menjadi sebagus kampanye kanker payudara.
We need to be as good as the breast cancer campaign Kita harus dapat sebagus kampanye kanker payudara
So if we can be as good as breast cancer Jadi jika kita bisa melakukan sama baiknya dengan kanker payudara
but still not as good as the wood that we chose. tetapi tidak lebih bagus daripada kayu yang kita pilih.
and the second week is just as good as the first, dan minggu kedua sama bagusnya dengan minggu pertama,
is twice as good as the one-week vacation. dua kali lebih baik dari pada liburan satu minggu.
at least as good as the very best human drivers. bekerja sebaik pengemudi yang paling hebat.
This is about as good as maps get, Inilah gambar terbaik yang dapat dilihat,
but ask, "Well, are these really as good as the rat?" namun bertanya, "Apakah model ini sebaik tikus?"
So, it's not quite as good as you might think, you might hope. Jadi tidak sebagus yang Anda perkirakan -- Anda harapkan.
Its mission is as good as you could get. Misinya sangat baik.
Your link is just as good as your link, Tautan Anda sama baiknya dengan tautan Anda,
which is just as good as my link. As long as we have a browser, yang berarti sama baiknya dengan tautan saya. Selama kita punya browser,
not as good as the map of California. tidak sebagus peta California.
could become as good as those teachers, dapat menjadi sehebat guru-guru itu,
be as good as the best. untuk menjadi yang terbaik.
so that we have spaces that sound as good as they look, sehingga ada ruangan yang suaranya seindah penampilannya
this is about as good as we're going to do with today's technology, yang terbaik yang dapat kita lakukan dengan teknologi masa kini,
So 96 percent is as good as 100 percent. Jadi 96 persen sama baiknya dengan 100 persen.