English to Indonesian
average acceleration | percepatan rata-rata |
average angular momentum | pusa sudut rerata |
average binding energy | tenaga ikat rerata |
average cost method | metode harga pokok rata-rata |
average curent | arus rerata |
average deviation | simpangan rerata |
average efficiency | randemen rata-rata |
average electromotive force | gaya elektromotif rata-rata |
average energy | tenaga rerata |
average life | umur purata |
average motive force | gaya gerak listrik rata-rata |
average person | orang kebanyakan |
average position | posisi rerata |
average power | daya rerata |
average pressure | tegangan rata-rata |
average purchase cost | biaya beli rata-rata |
average reflectance | keterpantulan rerata |
average speed | kecepatan rata-rata |
average spin | spin rerata |
average temperature | temperatur rata-rata |
average | |
adjective satellite |
approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value
approximating statistik atau norma atau diharapkan nilai rata-rata
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)where every child is above average, dimana tiapa anak mampu memiliki kemampuan diatas rata-rata.
The average score when I'd done it with the computers and the groups Rata-rata skor mereka ketika mengerjakan tes dengan komputer dan berkelompok
What they basically show us, the average of all macroeconomic models, Apa yang mereka tunjukkan, rata-rata semua model makroekonomi,
estimate that the average person in the developing world in 2100 memperkirakan bahwa rata-rata penduduk di negara-negara berkembang pada tahun 2100
because the average age of the volunteer at the hospital gift shop was 75. karena umur rata-rata sukarelawan di toko suvenir rumah-sakit adalah 75.
The average growth of our economy is about 15 percent for the past five years. Rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi kami adalah 15% selama lima tahun terakhir.
And the average size trophy fish Dan ukuran rata-rata dari ikan juara
to move gracefully in an average breeze untuk bergerak anggun ditiup anding
that they are above-average teachers. bahwa mereka adalah pengajar di atas rata-rata.
say they have above-average social skills. berkata bahwa mereka memiliki keterampilan sosial di atas rata-rata.
the average urban dweller in the U.S. rata-rata penduduk kota di Amerika
of the average suburban dweller, dari rata-rata penduduk desa,
The average American household Rata-rata rumah tangga di Amerika
to get the average to a thousand. sehingga rata-ratanya menjadi 1.000 dolar.
The average actually, Sebenarnya secara rata-rata
The average household Rata-rata rumah tangga
On average, there's one within 20 to 30 miles Rata-rata, ada satu landasan pacu pesawat setiap 20 hingga 30 mil
how rich countries are on average. seberapa kaya rata-rata suatu negara itu.
Where a country is is a sort of average score on these things. Posisi sebuah negara berdasarkan skor rata-rata pada hal-hal ini.
The average well-being of our societies Kesejahteraan rata-rata dari masyarakat kita
And the average person in Malawi Setiap orang di Malawi rata-rata
The average US citizen emits about 17.5 metric tons. Sementara rata-rata warga AS mengeluarkan sekitar 17,5 metrik ton.
About half of all trials, on average, go missing in action, Sekitar setengah dari seluruh percobaan menghilang
And pretty soon, the average price was 192 dollars. Sesaat kemudian, harga rata-ratanya adalah 192 dolar.
A female child born tomorrow, on average -- median -- will live to age 83. Seorang anak perempuan yang lahir esok, rata-rata akan hidup hingga 83 tahun.
of water on average each time they skipped a bath, 80 juta liter air setiap kali mereka tidak mandi
And an average user, Dan rata-rata orang
who have, on average, three times more partners yang, rata-rata, tiga kali lebih banyak memiliki pasangan
on average, 20 cents. rata-rata, 20 sen (setara Rp. 2000).
The average teenager sends 3,339 text messages a month, Rata-rata remaja mengirim 3.339 pesan teks per bulan,
This is an average-size Greenlandic iceberg. Ini adalah ukuran rata-rata gunung es di Greenland.
This is a moment in history when the average person Inilah saat bersejarah di mana orang biasa
What we need instead is an average density Yang kita perlukan adalah kepadatan rata-rata
The average home power drill is used somewhere between six and 20 minutes Rata-rata bor digunakan selama antara 6 hingga 20 menit
should be roughly the average of their fame before seharusnya kurang lebih sama dengan ketenaran mereka
are almost equally happy on average? secara rata-rata sama bahagianya ?
And that costs on average under 18 dollars a barrel. dan itu memakan biaya rata-rata kurang dari 18 dolar per barel.
at an average cost of only 12 bucks a barrel, dengan biaya rata-rata biaya hanya 12 dolar per barel,
DVD seller in America. Their average price, for last year, was 48 dollars. penjual DVD di amerika. Harga rata-rata mereka tahun lalu 48 dollar.
on the average of all the harm questions. rata-rata, atas semua pertanyaan tajam ini.
So the average Western first-grader Jadi untuk anak-anak barat di kelas 1
And of course, by the time you get to the average workplace, Dan tentunya, pada saat kamu sampai di tempat kerja pada umumnya,
is 59 degrees on average. On Venus, rata-rata 15 derajat Celcius. Di Venus,
women do, on average, secara rata-rata, wanita
who are completely forgotten in the average urban dweller's everyday life. yang telah dilupakan oleh kehidupan sehari-hari orang kota.
the average income per person rata-rata pendapatan per kapita
But I want to see when will the average pay, the money Tapi saya ingin melihat kapan gaji rata-rata, uang yang
the averages there -- this is the average of China. rara-rata di sini -- ini adalah rata-rata dari Cina.
and the average number of choices dan rata-rata pilihan yang dibuat
And they found that the average CEO Dan mereka menemukan bahwa rata-rata CEO