Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
batherorg yg mandi
cleanse the entire body
membersihkan seluruh tubuh
source: WordNet 3.0


just put on your skin and then you don't have to bathe?"
dioleskan di kulit dan setelah itu tidak perlu mandi lagi."
and the fact that I don't want to bathe, I at least need
dan kenyataan bahwa saya malas mandi, setidaknya
You literally put it on your skin, and you don't have to bathe.
Anda hanya mengoleskannya di kulit, lalu Anda tidak perlu mandi lagi.
I came up with a way for the world not to bathe.
saya menemukan cara agar dunia tidak perlu mandi.
just because I didn't want to bathe. Thank you.
hanya karena saya malas mandi. Terima kasih.
and that bathe it in this bath of high-energy radiation.
dan bermandikan radiasi berenergi tinggi.
It's just that they don't bathe the brain like soup.
Namun karena bahan kimia tidak menyirami otak bagai sup.