English to Indonesian
board a ship | naik kapal |
board and board | kapal berlayar berjajaran |
board and lodging | penginapan dan makanan |
board in | bersantap di dalam |
board meeting | rapat pengurus |
board of | dewan |
board of advisor | dewan penasihat |
board of chamber of commerce | kamar dagang |
board of comisioner | dewan komisaris |
board of commissioners | dewan komisaris |
board of committee | dewan komite |
board of controler | dewan pengawas |
board of director | dewan direktur |
board of directors | dewan direktur |
board of examiners | dewan pemenksa |
board of health | jawatan kesehatan |
board of monetery | dewan moneter |
board of trade | dewan perniagaan |
board of trustees | dewan komisaris |
board of weights and measures | kantor-tera |
board | |
noun |
a committee having supervisory powers
sebuah komite memiliki kekuatan pengawasan
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)and the more oxytocin on board, dan semakin banyak oksitosin,
and school board members and politicians. anggota dewan sekolah, serta politisi.
that politicians and school board members and parents have para politisi, anggota dewan sekolah, dan orang tua,
he walked to the board, took up a piece of chalk, ia berjalan ke papan tulis, mengambil sebatang kapur,
He took away one and wrote that number on the board. Ia kurangi dengan satu, dan menulis hasilnya di papan.
are put on this board, where people take a picture, diletakkan di papan ini, di mana orang-orang mengambil gambar
on the same board on the same dock. di dermaga yang sama.
And they are so excited. That's the first board off the line. Dan mereka sangat bergairah. Itu adalah produksi papan pertama.
Our Vice President of Operation kissing the board. Obviously very, very excited. Wakil Direktur Operasi kami mencium papan itu. Jelas sangat, sangat bahagia.
What I've found, across the board, is that religion is about behaving differently. Yang saya temukan, pada semua agama, bahwa agama adalah sesuatu tentang berperilaku secara berbeda.
And it is an arresting fact that right across the board, Merupakan sebuah fakta yang menarik bahwa pada semua agama,
and it's shaped like a diving board, and it's sticking out over a ledge. dan bentuknya seperti papan menyelam, dan mencuat di atas langkan.
but then other people get on board tetapi lalu orang lain masuk
no drugs on board -- tanpa obat-obatan --
But most of all, the teacher was just writing on the board -- Tapi yang paling hebat, guru cuma menulis di papan tulis --
And here we are about to board our bus. Dan dari sini kami akan naik bis.
and put it up on the notice board. dan memasangnya di papan pengumuman.
it's just a four-foot by five-foot plywood board papan kayu lapis berukuran 4 kali 5 kaki.
There are four countries around the board. Ada empat negara di sekitar papan.
the little plastic toys on the board -- and you lose them, mainan plastik kecil di papan -- dan Anda kehilangan mereka,
they get the coveted board certification. barulah mereka mendapat pengakuan yang mereka inginkan.
by a board-certified surgeon. seorang dokter bedah yang diakui.
You get your board certificate, Setelah mendapatkan sertifikat dari badan,
that it became required by the American Board of Surgery sehingga Dewan Dokter Bedah Amerika mewajibkannya
in order for a young surgeon to become board certified. bagi para dokter bedah muda yang ingin mendapat pengakuan.
just for transportation, room and board. hanya untuk transportasi, dan tempat tinggal.
And we sat. And at 2:30 p.m. we put a sandwich board out on the front sidewalk Kami semua duduk. Pada pukul 2:30 kita meletakkan papan pengumuman lipat di atas trotoar di depan
She was talking about board meetings, Ibu berbicara tentang rapat dewan direksi,
all across the board, but as you also see, di seluruh papan, tetapi seperti yang juga Anda lihat,
and grabbed a white board marker and a film canister -- dan mengambil spidol white board dan semua isi film --
on board the expedition with me, dalam perjalanan bersama saya,
When it's on top of the paper board, Ketika berada di atas papan kertas,
one large sign board, satu papan reklame besar,
We put names on the board, attach them to guesses, Kami menaruh nama di papan tulis, dan melekatkan nama-nama itu pada jawaban mereka,
I can put something on the board, saya dapat menuliskan sesuatu di papan tulis,
what was on a dormitory message board in 1993, apa yang tertulis di papan pesan asrama di tahun 1993,
but they would understand what was on that message board. tapi mereka akan mengerti apa yang ada di dalam pesan tersebut.
in order to make measurements while they're on board. untuk dapat melakukan pengukuran saat berada di dalam pesawat.
there was a white board behind me, and I started off ada papan tulis di belakang saya dan saya memulai
I need you on board. I need you with me. Saya ingin Anda ikut serta, saya ingin Anda bersama saya.
Because, if the board of directors convince everybody Karena, jika dewan direksi meyakinkan semua orang
is almost entirely dependent on the decisions made by the board of directors, adalah hampir seluruhnya bergantung pada keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat oleh dewan direksi,
creating the Phoenix Islands Trust Board. menciptakan Dewan Kepulauan Phoenix yang diberi kepercayaan.
We just had our first PIPA Trust Board meeting three weeks ago. Baru saja ada pertemuan Dewan PIPA 3 minggu yang lalu
And the PIPA Trust Board holds that license Dan Lembaga PIPA memegang ijin itu
almost across the board, hampir di seluruh negara ini
Do you go into your board and say, Jadi apa mungkin anda datang ke atasan,
Also in London, and in Europe across the board, Juga di London dan di seluruh Eropa
I went to my first community board meeting -- Saya pergi ke pertemuan dewan masyarakat --
There are four on-board micro-controllers Di permukaannya ada 4 micro-controller,