English to Indonesian
boil | merebus, menjadi marah, titik didih |
boil away | menguap karena mendidih |
boil down | meringkaskan |
boil over | mendidih keluar |
boil up | mendidih |
boiled | mendidih |
boiled away | menguap karena mendidih |
boiled down | meringkaskan |
boiled egg | telur rebus |
boiled over | marah sekali |
boiled up | mendidih |
boiler | ketel uap, dandang |
boiler attendance | pelayanan ketel |
boiler bearer | blok landas ketel |
boiler bottom | alas-ketel |
boiler calculation | perhitungan ketel |
boiler cleaning | pembersihan ketel |
boiler clothing | salut ketel |
boiler drilling machine | mesin bor ketel |
boiler end plate | pelat hadapan ketel |
boiler endplate | pelat alas-ketel |
boil | |
verb |
come to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor
datang ke titik didih dan perubahan dari cair ke uap
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Your blood tries to boil. It's called vaporization. Darah Anda akan mendidih. Ini disebut penguapan.
The reasons usually just boil down to the gavage, which is the force feeding. Umumnya alasannya berakhir pada 'gavage', yaitu pencekokan.
and it is analogous to what happens when you boil water. dan analoginya seperti apa yang terjadi saat Anda merebus air.
I tried to boil this complicated concept of charter city Saya mencoba menggodok konsep rumit dari kota berpiagam ini
or try and boil it down to just four, atau coba meringkasnya menjadi empat saja,
but you still boil water and that turns to steam and turns the turbine. tetapi Anda masih mendidihkan air menjadi uap dan memutar turbin.
and waters boil. dan air mendidih.
you had to boil your love down to an issue. Anda harus merebus kecintaan Anda pada satu masalah.
And we managed to boil it down to nine. Dan kami berhasil menyeleksinya menjadi sembilan.
where you boil the chicken until the flavor is just gone. Anda merebus ayam sampai aromanya hilang.