Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
brightly dengan hebat
with brightness
dengan kecerahan
source: WordNet 3.0


Hundreds of these brightly-colored sculptures
Ratusan karya seni berwarna terang ini
loose and brightly colored african
afrika longgar dan berwarna cerah
brightly colored tropical freshwater
air tawar berwarna cerah tropis
or radiant to shine brightly
atau berseri seri bersinar terang
or brightly colored hyphae and
atau berwarna cerah hyphae dan
newly recently brightly
baru baru baru ini terang
several brightly colored butterflies
beberapa kupu kupu berwarna cerah
several brightly colored tropical filefishes
beberapa tropis berwarna cerah filefishes
brightly colored fleshy or membranous
berdaging atau membran berwarna cerah
fleshy and usually brightly colored
berdaging dan berwarna cerah biasanya
ornately marked and brightly colored
berdesain ditandai dan berwarna cerah
hooded flowers with brightly colored
berkerudung bunga berwarna cerah dengan
colored differently and usually brightly
berwarna berbeda dan biasanya terang
brightly colored australasian parrots having
berwarna cerah australasia beo memiliki
brightly colored australian weaverbirds often
berwarna cerah australia weaverbirds sering
brightly colored velvety hair and
berwarna cerah beludru rambut dan