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English to Indonesian
cessation penghentian
a stopping
source: WordNet 3.0


go for the largest recorded cessation of hostilities,
mengincar penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
to try and create the largest recorded cessation of hostilities.
menciptakan penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
or continuity breaking off cessation
atau kontinuitas melanggar off berhenti
cessation repression interruption check obstruction
berhenti represi gangguan periksa obstruksi
temporary cessations not continual intermittent
cessations sementara tidak berkelanjutan intermiten
temporary cessations not continual
cessations sementara tidak terus menerus
and cessation of effort discouragement
dan penghentian usaha putus asa
of action interruption suspension cessation
dari tindakan gangguan suspensi penghentian
holiday cessation from work
hari libur penghentian dari pekerjaan
break cessation or interruption without
istirahat penghentian atau gangguan tanpa
also cessation as it blew
juga berhenti seperti itu mengembuskan
continuity breaking off cessation interruption
kontinuitas melanggar off berhenti gangguan
breaking off cessation interruption as
melanggar off berhenti gangguan seperti
disruption which resulted in cessation
mendapatkan gangguan yang mengakibatkan terhentinya
continually perseveringly without cessation uniformly
menerus tekun tanpa berhenti seragam
keeping holiday cessation from
menjaga hari libur penghentian dari
keeping holiday cessation from work
menjaga liburan penghentian dari pekerjaan