Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
charges areada kemungkinan
charges for port of entrybiaya-biaya import


because I didn't face any charges in the interrogation.
karena tidak menghadapi tuduhan apapun saat interogasi.
"Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order
"Mana al-Sharif mengahdapi tuduhan mengganggu ketenangan publik
with the PH at which they have different charges.
dengan pH di mana mereka punya muatan berbeda.
you drive into your garage, and the car charges itself,
Anda memasukan mobil ini ke garasi, dan mobil ini mengisi tenaga sendiri.
and then charges you for possession of marijuana.
lalu menuduh anda memiliki marijuana.
I mean compared to parking charges and running costs, etc.,
dibandingkan dengan biaya parkir dan operasional mobil itu
Now, congestion charges were introduced in Stockholm
Kini, tarif kemacetan ini diperkenalkan di Stockholm
The first day with the congestion charges looked like this.
Hari pertama penerapan tarif kemacetan, jalanan itu tampak seperti ini.
have sort of gotten used to charges.
mereka telah terbiasa akan tarif ini.
since the congestion charges were introduced in Stockholm,
sejak pertama kali tarif kemacetan diperkenalkan di Stockholm
Well, the thing is that, the congestion charges,
Masalahnya adalah tarif kemacetan
This is the last day with the congestion charges, July 31,
Inilah hari terakhir tarif kemacetan diberlakukan, 31 Juli.
and the first day without the congestion charges
dan jalanan di hari pertama tanpa tarif kemacetan
But what happened when the congestion charges
Namun apa yang terjadi saat tarif kemacetan
where we now have 70 percent support for keeping the charges,
tarif kemacetan mendapat dukungan dari 70 persen dari mereka
As you can see, the solar panel charges the battery,
Seperti yang dapat kalian lihat, panel surya mengisi baterainya
And then the charges of treason were dropped.
Kemudian dakwaan pengkhianatan dibatalkan.