English to Indonesian
chief city of | kota induk |
chief engine fitter | montir kepala |
chief engineer | insinyur kepala |
chief event | peristiwa pokok |
chief executive | pimpinan eksekutive |
chief fitter | montir kepala |
chief inspector | inspektur kepala |
chief mounter | montir kepala |
chief of court | pembesar pengadilan |
chief reaction | reaksi utama |
chief treasury | badan pengawas keuangan |
chief-reaction | reaksi utama |
chiefly | terutama, sebagian besar |
chiefpriest | pimpinan imam |
chiefs | pemimpin-pemimin |
chieftain | kepala suku |
chief | |
adjective satellite |
most important element
yang paling penting elemen
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Larry Summers, when he was chief economist at the World Bank, Larry Summers, ketika dia menjadi kepala ekonom di Bank Dunia,
we were touring a place with the village chief -- kami berjalan-jalan ke suatu tempat dengan kepala desa --
And in the village also, there is one chief, an elder, Ada seorang tua, kepala desa,
That's a current suit. This was me last year with their chief engineer. Inilah pakaiannya dan inilah saya pada tahun lalu dengan ketua insinyurnya.
eventually becoming a chief financial officer dan akhirnya menjadi Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
is we appointed a chief listening officer. adalah menunjuk seorang "ketua kantor pendengar".
and what a Chief Belief Officer is supposed to do, dan tugas dari seoang Kepala Bagian Kepercayaan (Chief Belief Officer),
So, he had asked me to be the Chief Belief Officer, and said, Jadi, ia meminta saya menjadi Kepala Bagian Kepercayaan, dan berkata,
That's why I call for the "Chief Detail Officer." Karenanya saya menyebutnya "Direktur Detail (Chief Detail Officer)."
and business actually had Chief Detail Officers, dan bisnis benar-benar memiliki Direktur-Direktur Detail,
"Police chief fires Taser into 14 year-old girl's head." "Kepala polisi menggunakan alat penyetrum pada gadis berusia 14 tahun,"
Vannevar Bush was the U.S. government's chief scientific adviser during the war. Vannevar Bush adalah ketua penasihat ilmiah Amerika Serikat di masa perang.
He was the chief of anesthesiology Dia adalah kepala bagian anestesiologi
a crew chief and a driving coach, seorang kepala kru dan seorang pelatih,
and they asked me to live with the village chief. dan mereka menempatkan saya di tempat kepala desa.
The women's chief of the village has this little girl, Kepala perempuan di desa ini memiliki seorang anak gadis,
And when I became editor-in-chief Dan saat saya menjadi kepala editor
and our chief investors were Interval Research, Vulcan Northwest, dan investor utama kami adalah Interval Research, Vulcan Northwest,
He asked Octavio to be his chief of staff. Dia meminta Octavio untuk menjadi kepala stafnya.
although the chief of the army is not called a land lord — meskipun Kepala Angkatan Darat tidak disebut sebagai tuan tanah --
In response, three tribes led by the Lakota chief Red Cloud Akibatnya, 3 suku yang dipimpin oleh kepala suku Lakota Red Cloud
The great Lakota warrior and chief named Crazy Horse Ksatria dan kepala suku Lakota hebat bernama Crazy House
and massacred Chief Big Foot dan membunuh Kepala Suku Big Foot
from the commune chief dari ketua kelompok kerja paksa
I went to see a Dozo chief; Saya pergi menemui seorang pemimpin Dozo.
A time for plotting to whack the chief of police, Waktu untuk merencanakan penyiksaan pada kepala polisi,