English to Indonesian
chloric | chloric |
chloric acid | asam-khlor |
chloric | |
adjective |
Pertaining to, or obtained from, chlorine; -- said of those compounds of chlorine in which this element has a valence of five, or the next to its highest; as, chloric acid, HClO3.
Berkaitan dengan, atau diperoleh dari, klorin, - kata dari senyawa-senyawa klorin di mana elemen ini memiliki valensi dari lima, atau di samping tertinggi, seperti, asam klor, HClO 3.
source: WordNet 3.0
and muriatic acid nitrohydrochloric see and asam muriatic nitrohydrochloric lihat
acid pepsinhydrochloric acid and chloropeptic asam asam pepsinhydrochloric dan chloropeptic
chloric acid or sulphuric acid asam klor atau asam sulfat
hydrochloric acid and obtained as asam klorida dan diperoleh sebagai
hydrochloric acid and present in asam klorida dan hadir dalam
hydrochloric acid and mucin and asam klorida dan mucin dan
hydrochloric acid are mixed together asam klorida dicampur bersama sama
hydrochloric acid called platinochloric or asam klorida disebut platinochloric atau
hydrochloric acid see acid and asam klorida lihat asam dan
hydrochloric acid on solanidine as asam klorida pada solanidine sebagai
hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals asam klorida yang larut logam
muriatic acid nitrohydrochloric see nitrohydrochloric asam muriatic nitrohydrochloric lihat nitrohydrochloric
pepsinhydrochloric acid and chloropeptic acid asam pepsinhydrochloric dan chloropeptic asam
peptohydrochloric acid pepsinhydrochloric acid and asam peptohydrochloric asam pepsinhydrochloric dan
acids like hydrochloric hydrofluoric and asam seperti klorida fluorida dan