English to Indonesian
circulation boiler | ketel sirkulasi |
circulation device | perlengkapan sirkulasi |
circulation loss | rugi sirkulasi |
circulation manager | manajer sirkulasi |
circulation of money | peredaran uang |
circulation-tube | pipa-edar |
circulation | |
noun |
the dissemination of copies of periodicals (as newspapers or magazines)
penyebaran salinan berkala (surat kabar atau majalah)
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)very rapid circulation of CO2 peredaran CO2, oksigen, dan air
into our circulation. ke dalam sistem peredaran darah.
circulation throughout the tower, sirkulasi di seluruh menara,
It's also like a form of respiration or circulation. Sampah juga memiliki bentuk seperti sistem pernafasan atau sirkulasi.
In 1835, James Gordon Bennett founded the first mass-circulation newspaper Pada tahun 1835, James Gordon Bennett mendirikan surat kabar dengan sirkulasi massal pertama
-- starting what was experienced as a mass--circulation daily paper -- memulai surat kabar dengan sirkulasi masal
What really makes it amazing: that the circulation of these newspapers Apa yang membuatnya benar-benar luar biasa, adalah penjualan surat-surat kabar ini
raise of circulation after three years. peningkatan penjualan setelah tiga tahun.