Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
clamorous ribut, riuh
adjective satellite
conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
mencolok dan sopan keras; diberikan kepada protes keras
source: WordNet 3.0
brawling clamoring disagreeably clamorous
berkelahi berteriak teriak disagreeably clamorous
clamoring disagreeably clamorous sounding
berteriak teriak disagreeably clamorous terdengar
clamoring disagreeably clamorous
berteriak teriak tak setuju riuh
clamorous vociferous turbulent
clamorous monyet yang ramai bergolak
clamorous sounding loudly and harshly
clamorous terdengar keras dan kasar
clamorously to discredit to disparage
clamorously untuk mendiskreditkan untuk meremehkan
earnestly beseeching clamorously
dengan sungguh sungguh memohon clamorously
beaten hence a clamorous
dipukuli oleh karena itu clamorous
disagreeably clamorous sounding loudly and
disagreeably clamorous terdengar keras dan
esp a rude clamorous woman
esp seorang wanita kasar riuh
a clamorous quarrelsome noisy fellow
fellow clamorous suka bertengkar berisik
loud outcry clamorous noisy as
kecaman keras ramai berisik seperti
against to blame clamorously to
melawan untuk menyalahkan clamorously untuk
scolding clamorous or abusive talk
memarahi berbicara riuh atau kasar
clamor against to blame clamorously
menuntut melawan untuk menyalahkan clamorously