Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
closed menutup
closed a bargainmembuat perjanjian
closed a deal at a sacrificemenutup transaksi dengan kerug
closed aboutmenyelubungi
closed accountakun tertutup
closed agreementperjanjian tertutup
closed callnyaris
closed chainrantai tertutup
closed channelsalur tertutup
closed circuitsiaran terbatas
closed circuit cenelemen arus-diam
closed circuit currentarus sirkuit tertutup
closed circuit-currentarus-diam
closed connectionhubungan tertutup
closed corporationperusahaan keluarga
closed crossheadkepala silang tertutup
closed downgulung tikar
closed economyekonomi tertutup
closed eyesmenutup mata
closed eyes tomenutup mata akan
closed interselubung
not open or affording passage or access
tidak terbuka atau affording bagian atau akses
source: WordNet 3.0


that enslave us, that make our eyes closed, give us tunnel vision
yang memperbudak kita, menutup mata kita, memberikan kegelapan
So, the busiest streets closed down.
Jadi, jalan yang paling ramai ditutup.
Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle
Semua yang ada di alam digunakan dalam siklus tertutup yang terus menerus
but then -- eyes closed --
tetapi setelahnya -- mata terpejam --
the mine had closed
tambang itu telah ditutup
that opened and closed --
terbuka dan tertutup --
I quit my job at the papers, I closed my school,
Saya meninggalkan pekerjaan saya di surat kabar, menutup sekolah saya,
closed up everything we had,
menutup semua yang kami miliki,
As soon as the door closed...
Begitu pintu ditutup ...
since sometimes in office hours sometimes it's closed, of course.
karena tentu saja jam kantor ada tutupnya.
have actually closed down those loopholes in the banking system.
akhirnya menutup cleah-celah ini dalam sistem di bank mereka.
And then, when she closed the door,
Dan lalu, ketika dia menutup pintu,
And we just closed submissions January 10th,
Kami baru saja menutup pengiriman pada tanggal 10 Januari,
as closed and set in their ways,
tertutup dalam menempatkan diri mereka,
? The record store's closed for the night ?
? Toko rekaman sudah tutup di malam hari ?
"whereas closed individuals prefer conservative, traditional, right-wing views."
"sedangkan individu yang tertutup lebih memilih padangan politik kanan yang konservatif, tradisional."
This children's hospital was closed in 1997;
Rumah sakit anak-anak ini ditutup pada tahun 1997;
"A smile is a door that is half open and half closed,"
"Senyuman adalah sebuah pintu yang setengah terbuka dan setengah tertutup,"
openness is good for them, and what needs to stay closed.
keterbukaan yang pas, dan apa yang harus tetap tertutup.
is that it is entirely materially closed --
sesuatu yang benar-benar tertutup
India has closed the gap
India telah menutup jurang
This is open; this is closed.
Yang satu terbuka, yang satu tertutup.
in these closed organizations --
di bagian yg tertutup
from the open to the closed.
dari yg terbuka ke yg tertutup.
is the intelligent, closed organizations
adalah organisasi yg tertutup tapi berkualitas
mixing closed and open in tricky ways.
memadukan gaya tertutup dan terbuka dgn cerdik.
was the circle had closed,
adalah lingkaran itu telah menutup,
to cede to the arrogance of closed-minded certainty?
dan berpasrah pada arogansi kepastian yang sempit-pemikiran?
The school is closed; they're coming back at midnight
Sekolahnya sudah tutup, tetapi mereka kembali di tengah malam
That's because an egg is not a closed system;
Itu karena telur bukanlah sistem tertutup,
She got diabetes. Case closed.
Terkena diabetes. Selesai.
We closed Broadway from 42nd Street to 47th Street
Kami menutup Broadway dari 42nd Street sampai 47th Street
It wasn't about that we'd closed Broadway to cars.
Bukan tentang kami yang menutup Broadway bagi kendaraan.
in a flat, closed-off parking lot --
di lapangan parkir yang datar dan tertutup --
to choose which doors to open and which to leave closed,
untuk memilih pintu mana yang akan dibuka dan mana yang dibiarkan tertutup
click click, when you closed the door in a car?
klik klik, ketika Anda menutup pintu mobil?
that if they closed inside the mouth of the fish,
sehingga apabila mereka menutup mulut ke dalam,
the paper was closed down more than three times.
surat kabar ini telah ditutup lebih dari tiga kali.
The red shows, obviously, closed-canopy tropical forest,
Warna merah sudah jelas menunjukkan hutan tropis berkanopi tertutup
wham, the door closed, and I was alone.
pintunya tertutup dan saya pun sendirian.
of clearing the somewhat barren, closed-canopy forest
yakni membuka hutan berkanopi yang ada
but what I did was I closed
namun yang saya lakukan adalah
It's rather the other way -- more closed borders
lebih menginginkan arah berlawanan -- lebih ke perbatasan yang tertutup
What's different? Did you see the eyes? Closed.
Apa bedanya? Kalian lihat matanya? Terpejam.
Why are the eyes closed?
Kenapa matanya terpejam?
? We're closed to the Earth 'til further notice ?
? Kita terhenti sampai kabar tiba ?
from behind closed-door sessions with the President.
dari sesi tertutup bersama Presiden.
And that door closed.
Dan kemudian pintu tertutup.
that had been completely closed off,
yang telah ditutup total,
Before, they were closed off.
Sebelumnya mereka sangat terisolir.