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English to Indonesian
commentary penjelasan, komentar
a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
penjelasan tertulis atau kritik atau ilustrasi yang ditambahkan ke buku atau bahan tekstual lainnya
source: WordNet 3.0


to make social commentary
membuat komentar sosial
do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary.
ke tetanggamu. Itu yang diajarkan dalam Taurat. Sisanya adalah penjelasan.
that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule."
bahwa tiap ayat pada Taurat adalah penjelasan, pemaparan tentang "Etika Timbal Balik".
including several audio commentary tracks
termasuk beberapa rekaman komentar audio
social commentary and irreverence
komentar sosial dan cemoohan
Social commentary is all of a sudden spiking up.
Komentar sosial tiba-tiba menanjak naik.
You have comfort, irreverence, and social commentary,
Rasa nyaman, cemoohan, dan komentar sosial,
Social commentary and irreverence
Komentar sosial dan cemoohaan
honest public commentary again.
komentar publik yang jujur lagi.
a "Critic," that provides a running commentary
Kritikus, yang memberikan komentar komentar
at the receiving end of the Critic's commentary is the Actor.
pada ujung penerima komentar sang Kritikus adalah sang Aktor.
a commentary situating the findings for scientists, right,
komentar mengenai apa yang ditemukan oleh para ilmuwan,
commentary as part of the media landscape
hanya sekedar mengomentari dunia media
That is the Torah and everything else is only commentary."
Itulah Taurat, selebihnya hanya tambahan."