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English to Indonesian
completed menyelesaikan
completed withlengkap dengan
adjective satellite
successfully completed or brought to an end
berhasil diselesaikan atau diakhiri
source: WordNet 3.0


from a coverage that I've just completed that is not published yet.
dari kumpulan yang baru saya selesaikan dan belum pernah dipublikasikan.
This is an image I just recently completed, that is --
Ini adalah gambar yang baru saya selesaikan, yaitu,
This is a piece that I just recently completed
Ini adalah gambar yang baru saya selesaikan
you know that they've been conducted and completed,
Anda tahu kajian ini telah dilakukan dan diselesaikan
have been conducted and completed have been published.
yang dilakukan telah diterbitkan.
practicing medicine on the basis of trials that completed in the past two years.
di mana kita mempraktekkan kedokteran berdasarkan uji coba selama 2 tahun terakhir saja.
we've completed close to fifty projects.
kami telah menyelesaikan hampir 50 proyek.
of disbelief at what we had just completed.
tidak percaya dengan apa yang baru saja kami selesaikan.
and was finally completed
dan akhirnya selesai
and I discovered that even after dyeing has being completed,
dan saya pun mendapati bahwa setelah proses pewarnaan sudah selesai,
Right after I completed my Ph.D.,
Setelah saya menyelesaikan program doktorat saya,
which is just about completed.
yang baru saja selesai.
but I didn't. So it's been completed as of today.
tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Jadi ATLAS telah selesai hari ini.
The transcontinental railroad was completed.
Rel kereta lintas benua selesai.
only three actually successfully completed their run.
hanya tiga yang sukses berjalan sampai selesai.
Well, having completed this,
Setelah menyelesaikan ini,
when we finally completed it.
saat kami menyelesaikannya.
My goal of the design is not when it's completed.
Tujuan akhir dari desain saya bukan pada titik penyelesaian bangunan tersebut.
Then I completed the Pompidou Center in Metz.
Lalu saya menyelesaikan Pompidou Center di Metz
In one month, we completed nine classrooms,
Dalam satu bulan, kami menyelesaikan 9 kelas,
Once it's completed,
Setelah ini selesai,