English to Indonesian
corner boy | anak laki-laki nakal |
corner fitting | cantelan pojok |
corner joint | sambungan pojok |
corner man | laki-laki pemalas |
corner of | sudut |
corner of the bar | sudut ruangan |
corner plate | pelat-sudut |
corner reflection | pantulan pojok |
corner the market | memborong |
corner-stone | dasar, fondasi |
cornered | menyudutkan |
cornered the market | memborong |
cornering | menyudutksn |
cornering the market | memborong |
cornerstone | kb. 1 batu pertama. to lay the c. meletakkan batu pertama. 2 dasar, landasan. This bill is the c. of the government's economic policy RUU ini merupakan dasar kebijaksanaan ekonomi pemerintah. |
corner | |
noun |
a place off to the side of an area
tempat ke sisi suatu daerah
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)but you're sitting here from every corner of the world. tapi, anda yang sekarang ada disini, berasal dari berbagai penjuru dunia
And there's a little clock in the lower left-hand corner, Ada jam kecil di ujung kiri bawah sana,
that big chunk of ice up in the corner. potongan es besar di pojok atas sana.
which is a sign that you see in Amsterdam on every street corner. suatu tanda yang dapat Anda lihat di tiap sudut jalan di Amsterdam.
through the horizontal plane that you see there in the little corner, melalui garis horisontal yang anda lihat di sana dalam sudut kecil itu,
how did we come to occupy every corner of the globe, bagaimana kita bisa menghuni semua penjuru bumi,
She is sleeping in the corner of this apartment." Dia tidur di sudut apartemen ini."
And every time I approached the corner or the curb Setiap kali saya mendekati tepi jalan,
and she pushed me up to the corner and she said, dan dia mendorong saya dan berkata
The picture in the bottom right-hand corner there Gambar di sudut kanan bawah itu
You can see it in the upper left-hand corner. Anda dapat melihatnya di sudut kiri atas.
occupy corner lots. menempati ruangan di sudut.
And in my little corner of the world, Dan di sudut kecil dunia saya,
minding their own business in a corner of Africa, yang hidup di belantara Afrika,
But of course, we've spread to every corner of the globe Namun tentu saja, kita telah menyebar ke setiap penjuru bumi
Dancers at a street corner -- Para penari di sudut jalan --
OK, George, can you pan back over to the corner market? Baiklah, George, dapatkah kamu geser kembali ke sudut pasar?
Yeah, yeah, back to the corner, back to the corner. Ya, ya. Kembali ke sudut. Kembali ke sudut.
OK, OK, back to the corner, back to the corner, back to the corner. Baik. Baik. Kembali ke sudut. Kembali ke sudut. Kembali ke sudut.
All of the ones we've found, by the way, are in this little, teeny, tiny corner where we live, Sebagai selingan, semua yang kita temukan, berada di sudut kecil tempat kita berada
the equivalent of a McDonald's on every street corner, too. sesuatu seperti McDonald di setiap sudut jalan.
And there's an authority figure in the corner Dan ada pihak yang berwenang di sudut
And in the corner of one of these -- one of my notes, Di ujung salah satunya -- salah satu catatan saya,
and find a corner, where at 11 o'clock at night dan menemukan tempat, di mana pada jam 11 malam
suddenly manages to find a corner in the toilet tiba-tiba berhasil menemukan sudut di toilet
particularly illustrated in that left-hand corner: terutama yang digambarkan pada sudut kiri:
But up in the corner, in the right corner, you'll see, Di pojok kanan atas, Anda dapat melihat,
until I saw from the corner of my eye hingga saya melihat dari sudut mata saya
but in the lower right-hand corner, tapi di sudut kanan bawah,
India and China are down in the corner. India dan Cina berada di pojok bawah.
and more specifically the lower right-hand corner. secara khusus pada sudut bawah kanan.
But there is good news around the corner -- really good news. Tetapi ada kabar baik dalam waktu dekat, kabar yang sangat baik.
And we will soon see China coming up in the very far end corner here. Dan segera Cina merangkak naik di pojok jauh situ.
the southern corner of Afghanistan di sudut selatan Afghanistan
from New York all the way down to little old New Zealand in the corner. dari New York sampai ke Selandia Baru yang kecil di sudut.
on her first birthday. We're on the corner of 57th and 5th. pada ulang tahun pertamanya. Kami ada di sudut jalan no 57 dan no. 5.
There's something much more interesting around the corner," Ada hal yang jauh lebih menarik di sekitarmu."
in this corner, and shaving a little bit of time di tikungan ini, dan memotong sedikit waktu
Turn three. And John's going to go into that corner Tikugnan ketiga. Dan John akan menuju ke sana
It's a fish farm in the southwestern corner of Spain. Itu adalah peternakan ikan di ujung barat daya Spanyol.
And we rounded the corner Kami ada di berputar di ujung
It's on the rooftop, right on the corner there, Sarang itu ada di atap, di sudut sebelah sana
in the bottom right-hand corner, with the red, it's actually di bagian sudut kanan bawah, yang berwarna merah,
in the corner of a dark room -- di sudut ruangan gelap --
And the universal signal is not just raising the corner of the lips Dan sinyal universal tidak hanya meningkatkan sudut bibir
It's also crinkling the outer corner of the eye, Ini juga mengerutkan sudut luar mata,
whether it was a corner store, apakah di toko,
literally every corner of the world -- benar-benar dari seluruh penjuru dunia --
and, you know, toss it to the corner. lalu dilempar ke pojokan.
Every week, I would go to the corner store and buy all these pops. tiap pekan, saya pergi ke toko dan membeli minuman ini