Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
credit card kartu kredit
credithutang, pinjaman, penghargaan, reputasi baik, mata ujian, mempercayai
cardkartu, daftar nama peserta


to collect our credit card information
untuk mengumpulkan informasi kartu kredit kita
Credit card, investment account?
Kartu kredit? Rekening investasi?
when they use an ATM card or a credit card
ketika mereka menggunakan kartu ATM atau kartu kredit
to buy and sell stolen credit card details,
untuk menjual dan membeli informasi kartu kredit curian,
The vendor, say, had stolen credit card details;
Misalnya penjual memiliki informasi kartu kredit curian;
and the vendor would sell the stolen credit card details.
kemudian penjual menjual informasi kartu kredit curian.
if the stolen credit card worked.
apakah kartu kredit curian tersebut berhasil.
and the stolen credit card details to the purchaser.
dan informasi kartu kredit tersebut ke pembelinya.
He was convicted of mortgage and credit card fraud,
Ia terbukti bersalah dalam kasus penipuan hipotek dan kartu kredit,
a worldwide bank and credit card fraud operation that was worth millions
menjalankan operasi penipuan bank dan kartu kredit bernilai jutaan dolar
If, for some reason, your credit card bounces,
Kalau, karena suatu sebab, kartu kredit anda ditolak,
your credit card number and the credit card security codes.
nomor kartu kredit Anda dan kode keamanan kartu kredit Anda.
That's the credit card number,
Ini adalah nomor-nomor kartu kredit.
Once you gain access to other people's credit card information,
Sekali Anda punya akses terhadap informasi kartu kredit orang,
Lots of credit card debt,
Banyak hutang kartu kredit,
such as locking a credit card away with a key
seperti menyimpan dan mengunci kartu kredit
on what credit card companies can charge in interest
akan bebankan pada kita sebagai bunga
and may have tortured you about your credit card bills
dan mungkin sudah menyiksa Anda mengenai tagihan kartu kredit