English to Indonesian
crocodile | buaya |
crocodile tears | pura2 sedih, air mata buaya |
crocodile | |
noun |
large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and sharp teeth and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters
besar reptil air rakus karena memiliki moncong panjang dengan rahang besar dan gigi tajam dan tubuh ditutupi dengan lempeng tulang, dari perairan tropis lesu
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)like three parts Charles Darwin and one part Crocodile Dundee. tiga-perempat Charles Darwin dan satu-perempat Crocodile Dundee.
of the thirsty crow, of the crocodile tentang gagak haus, tentang buaya
fossils such as this, a slender-snouted crocodile. seperti fosil ini, buaya bermoncong pipih,
And a crocodile walks up a riverbank toward its den. Dan seekor buaya meninggalkan tepi sungai sarangnya.
And of course, the crocodile was in the shadows. Dan tentu saja, ada buaya di balik bayang-bayang itu.
Now the first thing that you notice when a crocodile hits you Nah, hal pertama yang Anda sadari ketika seekor buaya menyerang Anda
there is a crocodile, ada seekor buaya,
that they know has a crocodile in it tahu bahwa ada seekor buaya di dalamnya