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English to Indonesian
black birds having a raucous call
hitam burung memiliki panggilan serak
source: WordNet 3.0


is a New Caledonian crow.
ada Burung Gagak Kaledonia
the New Caledonian crow babies, are fledglings.
bayi dari Gagak Kaledonian, diasuh.
of the thirsty crow, of the crocodile
tentang gagak haus, tentang buaya
So this is Betty. She's a New Caledonian crow.
Ini adalah Betty. Seekor burung gagak di Kaledonia Baru.
And now, every crow within five kilometers is standing by a sidewalk,
Dan sekarang, setiap gagak dalam lima kilometer berdiri di trotoar
If I have a little extra time, I'll tell you about a case of crow infidelity
Jika ada kesempatan, saya akan memberi tahu tentang ketidaksetiaan gagak
and life is really dandy, if you're a crow.
dan hidup benar-benar indah jika Anda seekor gagak.
And eventually some crow gets a bright idea that,
Dan akhirnya beberapa ekor gagak mendapatkan ide cemerlang.
That crow enjoys a temporary monopoly on peanuts,
Gagak itu untuk sementara menikmati monopoli kacang itu