English to Indonesian
cutely | dengan cerdik |
cuteness | kemungilan, kecerdikan |
cuter | lebih tangkas |
cutest | paling tangkas |
cutesy | sempurna |
cute | |
adjective satellite |
attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness
menarik terutama dengan cara kekecilan atau kecantikan atau quaintness
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)As a species, as humans, we like to say penguins are really cute, Sebagai spesies, sebagai manusia, kita beranggapan penguin itu lucu,
The penguin doesn't know it's cute, Penguin tidak tahu kalau dia lucu.
are a cute architectural feature. bukanlah satu corak arsitektur yang manis.
These are very, very cute little things right. Ini benar-benar lucu dan menarik, kan.
you notice this really cute box at the top, Anda akan melihat sebuah kotak imut di atas,
And there were a lot of cute girls in the soprano section, as it turns out. Dan ternyata ada banyak gadis cantik di bagian sopran.
who think it's cute to have a little child yang berpikir bahwa akan lucu jika punya anak kecil
And he sees the maggots, and the maggots are kind of looking a little cute. Dan ia melihat belatung, dan belatung itu terlihat sedikit lucu.
I used to meditate on George Bush. He's quite a cute mom in a female form. Saya pernah bermeditasi tentang George Bush. Dia terlihat lumayan seperti ibu yang lucu dalam wujud wanita.
"Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?" "Wah, ini lucu banget. Kamu beli dimana?"
It was cute. Tadinya lucu sekali.
and when I turned 12, the boy phase wasn't deemed cute anymore. dan ketika aku berumur 12, fase tomboi itu tak lagi dianggap lucu.
took the cute, mistreated animals mengambil hewan lucu yang teraniaya
and he was very cute, he convinced all the Chinese people, dan mereka seakan-akan sangat baik, meyakinkan seluruh penduduk Cina
there are some very small, cute but bad cats. terdapat beberapa kucing kecil lucu, tapi tetaplah jahat.
So it's cute, but it's also like a subtle channel of conveying information, right? Lucu memang, tapi juga merupakan cara halus untuk penyampaian informasi, bukan?
He should be friendly and cute. dia harus lucu dan bersahabat.
It's not just that they're damn cute; Ini bukan hanya karena mereka benar-benar lucu;
so cute, darling." I said, Kau tampak imut, sayang."
and still look pretty cute to us. dan masih terlihat cukup lucu bagi kita.
And then, besides just looking cute on a baby's bottom, Dan, selain nampak lucu pada bagian belakang celana bayi ini,
The scientists that made this cute little creature Para ilmuwan yang membuat makhluk kecil yang imut ini
have cute, fuzzy animals. punya binatang-binatang berbulu yang lucu.
LOLcats are cute pictures of cats LOLcats adalah foto-foto kucing yg lucu
made cuter with the addition of cute captions. yg dibikin menggemaskan dengan berbagai komentar
of a cute cat?" yang lucu-lucu ?"
We adore babies because they’re so cute. Kita menyukai bayi karena mereka imut.
by killing these cute, little monsters. dengan membunuh monster-monster kecil dan lucu ini.
"Oh, there she is. That's so cute. She's trying to get that done." "Oh, itu dia. Manis sekali. Dia mencoba menyelesaikan hal itu."