English to Indonesian
deck | geladak kapal, menghias |
deck cargo | muatan-dek |
deck hand | pelaut |
deck out | menghiasi |
deck passenger | penumpang dek |
deck plank | papan-dek |
deck saloon | salon-dek |
deck seam | kampuh-dek |
deck with | menghiasi |
deck-chair | kursi tempat berjemur |
deck-crane | keran dek |
decked out | menghiasi |
decked with | menghiasi |
decking out | menghiasi |
decking with | menghiasi |
deck | |
noun |
any of various platforms built into a vessel
salah satu dari berbagai platform yang dibangun ke dalam kapal
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)build a deck and build up membangun tempat parkir bertingkat
to build a new parking deck membangun tempat parkir baru
on the upper deck carries about 2,000 people. di dek atas membawa sekitar 2.000 orang.
When my wife and I had kids, we thought it would be all-hands-on-deck. Ketika istri saya dan saya mempunyai anak, kami berpikir semua orang akan membantu.
Instead, it was all-hands-on-deck. Malah sebaliknya, semua orang datang membantu.
or I can lay them out like a deck of cards. atau disebar seperti bermain kartu,
And let's put it back into the deck, Mari kita masukkan kembali kartu ini
a deck of cards is made up of four different suits: satu set kartu terdiri dari empat simbol:
MT: There are two colors in a deck of cards. MT: Ada dua warna pada kartu.
in a deck of cards, just as there are 52 weeks in a year? pada satu set kartu, sama seperti 52 minggu dalam satu tahun?
Voice: If you total all the spots on a deck of cards, Suara: Jika Anda menjumlahkan semua lambang pada satu set kartu
that I received my first deck of cards, saya mendapat kartu pertama saya
We were no longer allowed on deck. Kami tidak lagi diizinkan berada di atas dek.
hit play on an iPod or a tape deck lalu memencet 'Mulai' di iPod atau pemutar kaset
And he's standing on the deck of his ship, Dia berdiri di atas geladak kapal
Essentially the bottom of the sea came onto the deck Pada dasarnya dasar laut telah kami bawa ke geladak