English to Indonesian
deductive | deduktif |
deductive ability | kemampuan deduktif |
deductive method | metode deduksi |
deductive thinking | pemikiran deduktif |
deductively | secara deduktif |
deductive | |
adjective |
relating to logical deduction
berkaitan dengan deduksi logis
source: WordNet 3.0
reason esp deductively to offer alasan esp deductively untuk menawarkan
from premises deductive reasoning dari premis premis penalaran deduktif
deductively to offer reason or deductively untuk menawarkan alasan atau
esp deductively to offer reason esp deductively untuk menawarkan alasan
conclusions from premises deductive reasoning kesimpulan dari lokal penalaran deduktif
to reason esp deductively to untuk alasan esp deductively untuk