Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
dejected sedih, murung
affected or marked by low spirits
terpengaruh atau ditandai dengan roh yang rendah
source: WordNet 3.0


she swam by me with this dejected look on her face.
dia berenang mendekati saya dengan tatapan kecewa di wajahnya.
And she would often stop and have this dejected look on her face
Dia sering berhenti dan memberikan tatapan kecewa di wajahnya
And I was just feeling so sad and dejected.
Saya merasa sangat sedih dan kesal.
animation and courage dejected depressed
animasi dan keberanian dejected depresi
animation wanting cheerfulness dejected depressed
animasi ingin keceriaan dejected tertekan
or frightened cowardly timorous dejected
atau takut pengecut timorous dejected
down crushed by misery dejected
bawah dihancurkan oleh penderitaan sedih
cast down dejected overthrown slain
cast bawah sedih digulingkan dibunuh
in animation and courage dejected
dalam animasi dan keberanian dejected
in spirits dejected gloomy dismal
dalam roh dejected dismal suram
and courage dejected depressed not
dan keberanian dejected depresi tidak
dejected dispirited sad humbled
dejected dispirited sedih rendah hati
dejected dispirited downcast see chapfallen
dejected dispirited tertunduk lihat chapfallen
forced down lowed sunk dejected
dipaksa turun lowed tenggelam dejected
wanting animation wanting cheerfulness dejected
ingin animasi ingin keceriaan dejected
courage dejected depressed not sprightly
keberanian dejected depresi tidak sigap
crestfallen dejected dispirited downcast see
kecewa dejected dispirited tertunduk lihat
crestfallen dejected dispirited downcast
kecewa sedih putus asa tertunduk