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English to Indonesian
edition terbitan, cetakan, edisi
the form in which a text (especially a printed book) is published
bentuk di mana teks (terutama buku cetak) yang diterbitkan
source: WordNet 3.0


you can see that written up in this week's edition
Anda dapat membacanya di PLOS Medicine
And in the BMJ, in the first edition of January, 2012,
Dan di dalam edisi pertama BMJ di bulan Januari 2012,
So, I immediately went to look up the 2009 online edition,
Maka, saya langsung merujuk ke edisi online tahun 2009,
in the back of the teacher's edition.
dari bagian belakang buku teks edisi guru.
in the answer key in the back of a teacher's edition,
di kunci jawaban di buku teks edisi guru,
In fact, I bought the gold-plated special edition
Bahkan, saya membeli edisi khusus berpelat emas