English to Indonesian
emission | pemancaran, penyinaran |
emission characteristic | karakteristik emisi |
emission current | arus pancaran |
emission hypothesis | hipotesis emisi |
emission of radiation | pancaran radiasi |
emission rate | laju emisi |
emission spectrum | spektrum emisi |
emission theories | teori pancaran |
emission-current | arus-emisi |
emission-curve | lengkungan emisi |
emission-spectrum | spektrum emisi |
emission-theory | teori emisi |
emission | |
noun |
the act of emitting; causing to flow forth
tindakan memancarkan; menyebabkan mengalir sebagainya
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)"Develop odor emission plug-in." "Mengembangkan plug-in penghasil bau badan."
Carbon-dioxide emission, metric ton per capita. Emisi Karbondioksia, metrik ton perkapita.
everyone did it at the cost of emission of carbon dioxide. semua orang mendapatkannya dengan korban emisi karbondioksida.
And everyone is responsible for the per capita emission." Dan semua orang bertanggungjawab pada emisi perkapita."
our average carbon emission will have to be about two tons per year. rata-rata emisi karbon kami adalah sekitar dua ton per tahun.
we really want to put a cap on our carbon emission, kita benar-benar ingin mengurangi emisi karbon kita.
and there's emission of methane dan emisi dari gas metana
So, the other grade is: Are we deploying this zero-emission technology, Jadi, apakah kita menjalankan teknologi emisi nol ini,