Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
fence pagar, bermain anggar
fence barbesi-pagar
fence diagramdiagram pagar
fence effectefek pagar
fence inmengurung
fence of palespagar-tiang
fenced inmengurung
fencerpemain anggar
fencesitterpihak netral
fencestraddlingsikap netral
a barrier that serves to enclose an area
penghalang yang berfungsi untuk menyertakan suatu daerah
source: WordNet 3.0


on the other side of the fence,
selalu lebih hijau,
on my side of the fence,
ada di tempat saya sendiri,
He's planning to eat that fence for dinner.
Kerbau itu berencana memakan pagar itu untuk makan malam.
they found out the fence was made out of tapioca.
mereka menemukan pagarnya adalah tanaman singkong.
and having a big fence around the outside,
dan memiliki pagar besar di luar,
And on the other side of the fence,
Dan di sisi lain dari pagar itu,
and then we have this fence with very thorny palms
dan kemudian pagar pohon salak yang berduri
and you plant this thorny fence.
dan kemudian tanaman pagar berduri.
Right along the fence line.
Tepat di pinggir garis pagar.
And fence line was amazing in itself.
Pagarnya sendiri mengagumkan.
The fence -- like this conception of fence that we have
Pagarnya -- konsep yang kita punya tentang pagar
The electricity on this fiberglass fence
Listrik di pagar seratkaca ini
You fence in animals. You electrify the inside.
Anda memagari hewan. Anda memberi listrik di dalamnya.
So it's like, here I am, I'm on the fence about this guy,
Jadi saya di sini sedikit bertentangan dengan orang ini,
People thought that was crazy. A coat on a fence would make them balk,
Orang-orang berpikir itu gila. Mantel di atas pagar akan membuat ternak mogok.
and there was a moat, a fence and a field of cows.
Di sana ada sebuah parit, pagar dan sekumpulan sapi.
we had jumped the moat, we had climbed the fence,
kami melompat ke parit, menaiki pagar itu,
of the fence on the Manhattan Bridge
Jembatan Manhattan,
Do you see me on the other side of this fence?
Apa kalian melihat saya pada sisi lain dari pagar ini?
behind the fence line of a protected area
di belakang garis batas daerah perlindungan
As we cross this fence line, now we're getting
Dan saat kita melintasi batasnya, kini ada
I want to make an electric fence.CA: Electric fence?
Aku ingin membuat sebuah pagar elektrik. CA: pagar elektrik?
Israeli Man: The fence has, in fact,
Pria Israel: Sebenarnya pagar ini
News Anchor: The clashes over the fence continue.
Pembawa Berita: Bentrokan akibat pagar pembatas itu berlanjut.
to build a privacy fence,
untuk membangun pagar,