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for centuries selama berabad-abad


used the same way for centuries.
digunakan untuk hal yang sama selama berabad-abad.
That, for centuries, we've inherited a view of human nature
Selama berabad-abad, kita telah mewarisi pandangan tentang hakikat manusia
Life hadn't changed for centuries.
Hidup tidak berubah selama berabad-abad.
This has been something that has been refused for centuries,
Hal ini ditolak selama berabad-abad,
over 70 new images came out, never seen for centuries.
lebih dari 70 gambar baru yang belum terlihat selama berabad-abad ditemukan.
which has been here for centuries.
yang telah ada selama berabad-abad.
For centuries, it's been said that female lions
Selama berabad-abad, dikatakan bahwa
I flew off to a place that's been shrouded in mystery for centuries,
Saya terbang ke tempat yang diselubungi misteri selama berabad-abad,
for centuries, by generations, without any department,
selama berabad - abad, oleh generasi - generasi, tanpa departemen,
scientists and artists for centuries.
ilmuwan, dan seniman selama berabad-abad.