Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
forehead dahi
the part of the face above the eyes
bagian wajah di atas mata
source: WordNet 3.0


I was going around with this big sign on my forehead: "LOSER."
Ke manapun saya pergi seolah ada tulisan "PECUNDANG." di dahi saya
gave him a kiss on his forehead and said, "Goodnight, mate,"
memberinya ciuman di keningnya dan berkata, "Selamat malam, teman,"
that heroism starts when someone scratches a mark on your forehead,
bahwa kepahlawanan dimulai saat seseorang menandai dahi Anda
which is stamped on your forehead
yang kemudian tertera di dahi anda.
she held it up to her forehead.
dia menempelkannya di keningnya.
remark how they have the same broad forehead, the horizontal eyebrows,
lihatlah bagaimana mereka semua memiliki dahi yang luas, alis yang mendatar,
that I'm wearing a tiny electrode on my forehead.
jika saya memakai elektroda kecil di dahi saya.
you have fabric sensors on your forehead and above the ear.
Ada struktur sensor pada dahi dan di atas telinga Anda.