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former demandpermintaan sebelumnya
formerlylampau, dahulu
referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several)
mengacu pada pertama dari dua hal atau orang-orang yang disebutkan (atau yang sebelumnya atau yang dari beberapa)
source: WordNet 3.0


And Carl Norden is very firmly in the former camp.
Carl Norden jelas berada di kamp pertama.
of those former subdivisions
dari daerah-daerah itu
and a number of the former Soviet states,
dan beberapa negara bekas Uni Soviet,
And a former teacher who happened to have Alzheimer's
Dan seorang mantan guru yang ternyata menderita Alzheimer
as a former publisher of hobbyist magazines,
sebagai mantan penerbit majalah hobi,
She and her team of former business people have created a business plan
Dia dan tim orang-orang bisnis sebelumnya telah menciptakan sebuah rancangan bisnis
makes former speed demons
membuat si ugal-ugalan
So I wanted to work with him, but he didn't want a former birdwatcher,
Jadi saya ingin bekerja dengannya, namun dia tidak menginginkan seorang bekas pengamat burung,
And a lot of them had been former educators
Dan banyak dari mereka yang pernah menjadi pengajar
So this is the preparation that one of my former post-docs,
Jadi alat ini disiapkan oleh salah satu post doktoral saya
Will the former rich countries really accept
Akankah negara-negara yang dulunya kaya dapat menerima
standing in front of his former prison cell.
sambil berdiri di depan bekas ruang tahanannya.
my former professor of art history, and today
mantan dosen sejarah seni, yang sekarang
and former industrial areas.
dan wilayah-wilayah bekas perindustrian.
my former profession --
profesi saya sebelumnya --
and a former head of state and general
dan mantan kepala negara dan jenderal
John Morton is a former Can-Am and IMSA driver,
John Morton adalah mantan pembalap Can-Am dan IMSA,
so much so that former models
begitu banyaknya sampai mantan-mantan model
as a proxy for former herds and predators,
sebagai wakil dari kawanan sebelumnya dan para pemangsa,
as a former molecular biologist, I didn't like that at all.
sebagai mantan ahli biologi molekul, saya tidak menyukainya sama sekali.
Armando Manni is a former filmmaker who makes this olive oil
Armando Manni yang sebelumnya adalah seorang pembuat film membuat minyak zaitun ini
the latter are only providing a service to the former.
yang belakangan hadir hanya untuk menyediakan jasa bagi orang baik.
and so, as the former dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz,
dan karenanya, mantan diktator Meksiko Porfirio Diaz
Ronald Reagan's former U.S. Air Force Secretary --
Mantan Sekretaris Angkatan Udara AS pada masa Ronald Reagan --
By the way, Tony Hayward, the former CEO of BP,
Omong-omon, Tony Hayward, mantan CEO dari BP,
is that members of the former audience, as Dan Gilmore calls them,
adalah bahwa anggota dari pemirsa terdahulu, sebagaimana Dan Gilmore menyebutnya,
the fact that former consumers are now producers,
Fakta bahwa konsumen sebelumnya kini menjadi produsen.
in a world of media where the former audience
dalam dunia media dimana yang semula pemirsa
by the former mayor of Curitiba
oleh eks- walikota Curitiba
former Prime Minister Berlusconi
mantan Perdana Menteri Italia Berlusconi
and Japanese former former former former Prime Minister Mr. Aso --
dan ex.ex.ex.ex. Perdana Menteri Jepang Tn. Aso --
and our former prime minister came,
dan mantan Perdana Menteri kami datang,
And one of my former doctoral students,
Salah satu mantan murid doktoral saya,
on the war's former front lines in Sarajevo.
di bekas garis depan perang di Sarajevo.
and Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. There are also
dan Rwanda dan bekas Yugoslavia. Ada juga
He's a former hotel manager;
Dia mantan manajer hotel;
Well, I come from the former Soviet Republic of Belarus,
Saya berasal dari Belarus, bekas Republik Soviet,
in much of the former Soviet Union.
di sebagian besar bekas negara-negara Uni Soviet.
And the blue former developing countries
Dan biru adalah mantan negara-negara berkembang
are mixing up with the former industrialized western world.
yang bercampur dengan mantan negara-negara barat yang maju.
including a former university professor,
termasuk seorang mantan dosen,
And when I realized that Tim Russert, former moderator of "Meet the Press,"
Dan ketika saya menyadari bahwa Tim Russert, mantan moderator Meet the Press,
started to set newspapers in the former Soviet Bloc.
mulai membuat surat kabar di negara-negara bekas Uni Soviet.