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English to Indonesian
fowler du bridge theoryteori fowler du bridge
fowler functionfungsi fowler
English lexicographer who wrote a well-known book on English usage (1858-1933)
Inggris leksikografer yang menulis sebuah buku terkenal tentang penggunaan bahasa Inggris (1858-1933)
source: WordNet 3.0


And, along with my collaborator, James Fowler,
Dan, bersama dengan kolaborator saya, James Fowler,
that the Fowler apple is still out there.
bahwa apel Fowler masih ada di luar sana.
And the Fowler apple is described in here --
Apel Fowler dideskripsikan di sini --
The other thing is that maybe that Fowler apple
Hal lainnya adalah mungkin apel Fowler itu
that the Fowler apple is the best apple in the world.
bagi apel Fowler untuk menjadi apel terbaik di dunia.
And my colleague, James Fowler and I have been studying for quite sometime
Rekan kerja saya, James Fowler, dan saya cukup lama mempelajari