English to Indonesian
front | bagian pertama, bagian muka, depan |
front age | hadapan rumah |
front end | awal dan akhir |
front end amplifier | penguat ujung depan |
front for | mewakili |
front line | garis depan |
front line supervisor | mandor lini pertama |
front man | wakil organisasi |
front matter | halaman pengantar sebuah buku |
front office | front-office |
front organization | perkumpulan gelap |
front page | halaman depan |
front row | baris depan |
front runner | 'front runner' |
front view | tampak depan |
front-plate | pelat hadapan |
front. | [frontispiece] gambar muka. |
frontage | bagian depan suatu gedung |
frontal | depan, muka |
frontality | keadaan terbuka |
fronted | menghadapi |
front | |
noun |
the side that is forward or prominent
sisi yang menonjol ke depan atau
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)There's actually a gentleman in the front row Sebenarnya ada satu pria di barisan depan ini
A single child in front of a single computer Seorang anak yang bekerja di depan sebuah komputer
so that children can sit in front of big, powerful screens, supaya anak-anak dapat duduk di depan layar yang besar,
for the first time in front of an audience, untuk pertama kalinya di depan penonton,
The fact that they're not right in front of us, Kenyataan bahwa mereka tidak berada tepat di depan kita,
I have never been at the front of the line for anything. OK? Saya tidak pernah berada dalam baris pertama untuk apapun. OK?
This youngest of seven had to get herself to the front of the line. Termuda dari 7 ini harus membuat dirinya berada di baris pertama.
No, no. Front of the line. Tidak, tidak. Baris pertama.
my volunteering that got me to the front of the line. aksi sukarela sayalah yang membawa saya ke baris pertama.
The first one that you see in front of you Gambar pertama yang Anda lihat di depan Anda
because rather than having a tiny chip in front of you, karena Anda tidak berhadapan dengan chip yang kecil
And so we don't have data to show you on this front, Kami belum mempunyai data untuk ditunjukkan pada Anda,
in front of my year two classmates, and I quote, di depan teman-teman kelas dua saya, dan saya kutip,
and said "Girls, hold the front page. dan berkata, "Nona-nona, jangan dulu turunkan dulu berita utamanya.
on the left in front of you. di bagian kiri.
Front and back. Bagian depan dan belakang.
in front of we people with disabilities. di depan kami para penderita cacat.
and saw the front page was like that. dan melihat halaman depan seperti itu.
rarely makes the front pages. jarang menjadi berita utama.
I remember standing in front of that Saya ingat berdiri di depan
Towards the front of the brain Di bagian depan otak
from whether it is back to front apakah dari belakang ke depan
and it lands on your retina, on the front-end dan sampai ke retina, pada sel-sel paling depan
is that, the front-end cells die, sel-sel yang terdepan ini mati,
the actions of that front-end circuitry tindakan dari sel-sel terdepan itu
of the front-end circuitry -- so it takes images dari sirkuit bagian depan -- alat itu mengambil gambar
even one with no front-end circuitry at all, bahkan tanpa sirkuit bagian depan sama sekali,
I flew out in front of the car, Saya terlempar di depan mobil itu
and had them dance in front of a painting. dan menyuruh mereka menari di depan lukisan saya.
So when they were sitting in front of the microscope, Seperti ketika mereka duduk di depan mikroskop,
did not happen alone in the lab, in front of the microscope. tidak terjadi di dalam lab, di depan mikroskop.
And I admit the truth to them right up front: I don't know. Saya mengakui kebenarannya kepada mereka secara gamblang: saya tidak tahu.
might it be your own relative or someone just in front of you, baik saudara atau siapapun di depan Anda,
I'm standing here in front of an audience of about 300 or 400 people, Saya berdiri di depan penonton berjumlah 300 atau 400 orang,
the exhibition was displayed in front of the city hall of Paris. pameran ini ditampilkan di depan balai kota Paris.
We've got to attack that brand in front of them. Kita harus menyerang merk ini di depan orang-orang tersebut.
climate change wasn't at the front of my mind. perubahan iklim tidak ada di benak saya.
So, you're not really sure how you stand in front of God. Jadi, anda tidak terlalu yakin bagaimana bila berdiri di depan Tuhan.
They can sit two feet in front of the world's finest. Mereka dapat duduk dua kaki di depan orang-orang terbaik dunia.
designed to get people in front of computers, didesain untuk mendudukkan orang di depan komputer,
and this is a series of front covers dan inilah serangkaian halaman muka
and she sat down in front of the machine, Dan dia duduk di depan mesin cuci,
It was front page of the New York Times a couple months ago. Ada di halaman depan New York Times beberapa bulan lalu --
Well, when I saw this in the front page of the Times, Ketika saya melihat ini di halaman depan the Times,
but in particular, American men to the front of the queue, namun khususnya, bagi pria Amerika di bagian depan antrian,
of standing in front of all of you berdiri di depan Anda semua
not just a front elevation, but also tidak hanya profil depan, tapi juga
working in front of the television and Super Sculpey -- berkerja di depan televisi -- dan Super Sculpey --
And when I stand here in front of all of you, Saat saya berdiri di sini di depan Anda semua,
that, instead of Tim Harford in front of you, bahwa, bukan Tim Harford yang ada di depan Anda,