Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
globe peta dunia
globe calipersjangka-peluru
globe insulatorisolator peluru
globe valvekeran tutup katup
globe-insulatorisolator bulat
globe-trotterorg yg pergi keliling dunia
globetrotterkb. pengeliling dunia.
the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on
3 planet dari matahari, planet tempat kita hidup
source: WordNet 3.0


that are forming all over the globe.
yang terbentuk di seluruh dunia.
between people all around the globe.
antara orang-orang di seluruh dunia.
There is so much diversity around the globe.
Ada begitu banyak perbedaan di seluruh dunia.
how did we come to occupy every corner of the globe,
bagaimana kita bisa menghuni semua penjuru bumi,
and I was reminded how Mathare is still connected to the globe.
dan saya teringatkan bahwa Mathare masih tersambung dengan dunia.
around the globe.
di seluruh dunia.
But of course, we've spread to every corner of the globe
Namun tentu saja, kita telah menyebar ke setiap penjuru bumi
And you'll discover that there are parts of the globe
Anda akan menemukan bahwa banyak sekali belahan dunia
We think we're getting this wide view of the globe.
Kita mengira kita sedang menerima gambaran luas dunia.
It's called "Dhani Tackles the Globe."
Yang disebut, "Dhani Menggasak Dunia."
around the globe. We're going to have to have no-take zones.
di seluruh dunia. Kita harus mulai membuat zona dilarang mengambil.
and across the globe to start paying attention
dan di seluruh dunia untuk mulai menaruh perhatian
we were at the Globe, and there was no press.
kami berada di Globe, tidak ada media.
by millions of small gifts from around the globe,
oleh jutaan sumbangan kecil dari seluruh dunia.
big flu epidemics were killing people around the globe.
epidemi flu membunuh orang-orang dunia.
of our entire globe.
seluruh dunia kita.
And so he took the Maitreya -- it shrunk into a globe, a ball --
Dan ia membawa Maitreya -- ia mengecil menjadi sebuah bola --
In this country, and across the globe,
Di negara ini, dan di seluruh dunia,
wore a sanitary pad across the globe.
yang memakai pembalut wanita di seluruh dunia.
across the globe. That's why I put all the details
di seluruh dunia. Karena itulah saya menaruh semua rinciannya
on opposite sides of the globe,
di belahan dunia lain,
they cut across the entire globe
terumbu karang melintasi seluruh Bumi
and it's bizarre. Researchers around the globe
dan hal ini aneh. Para peneliti di seluruh dunia
That's 280 times around the globe.
Itu sebanyak 280 kali keliling bumi.
and other information regarding the globe, on this sphere.
dan informasi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan Bumi, pada bola ini.
from all over the globe.
dari seluruh dunia.
As the globe spins,
Sewaktu dunia berputar,
had the good fortune to open up the terrestrial globe.
sangat beruntung dapat membuka daratan baru.
swept the globe when food prices doubled overnight.
menyapu bumi ketika harga pangan berlipat dua dalam semalam.
If we resize the countries of the globe
Kalau kita mengubah ukuran negara-negara di dunia
They're all over the globe, but virtually all of them live in tropical rainforests.
Mereka ada di seluruh dunia, namun praktis semuanya tinggal di hutan hujan tropis.
Common themes around the globe include large wild animals and tracings of human hands,
Tema yang umum adalah hewan liar besar dan jiplakan tangan manusia,
(Video): Video clips from across the globe.
(Video): Klip video dari seluruh dunia.
and begin its spread across the globe.
dan mulai menyebar ke seluruh dunia.
that are being eaten all around the globe.
yang dimakan di seluruh dunia.
is a golden globe that contains his ashes
adalah globe emas yang berisi abunya
some are from the entire globe.
beberapa dari seluruh bumi
You know, we've warmed the globe
Kau tahu, kita memanaskan bumi
All across the globe, you have this tendency
Di seluruh dunia, Anda akan menemukan kecenderungan
or seven times around the globe.
atau tujuh kali mengelilingi Bumi.
if they can encircle the globe seven times in one year,
yang dapat mengitari dunia tujuh kali dalam setahun,
40,000 miles long, snaking around the entire globe.
40000 mil panjangnya meliliti seluruh bumi.
performed across the globe,
berpentas di seantero dunia,
around the globe.
di seluruh dunia.
and it's cost-prohibitive for many countries around the globe.
dan tidak terjangkau bagi banyak negara di dunia.
And we set this up as a live globe in the Museum of Modern Art in New York
Dan kita menyusun semua ini sebagai globe hidup di Museum of Modern Art di New York