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English to Indonesian
grade tingkatan, mutu, nilai, memnggolongkan, menyusun, memberi nilai
grade crossingsimpangan kereta api
grade of alkalikadar alkali
grade schoolsekolah dasar
graded atmerampas
graded index fiberserat berindeks berlandai
graded upmengawinkan ternak
graderkb. 1 penilai, pemberi angka. (of papers). 2 murid. a fifth g. murid kelas lima.
a body of students who are taught together
tubuh siswa yang diajarkan bersama-sama
source: WordNet 3.0


So there you are in grade school,
Jadi Anda berada di sekolah dasar
kindergarten is the old second grade, folks.
Taman kanak-kanak merupakan pada dasarnya Kelas 2 model lama.
By the time you're in first grade,
Ketika masuk kelas 1 SD,
I cast my mind back when I was in second grade
Saya teringat ketika saya masih di kelas dua SD
A little background: when my grade five was learning about child rights,
Sedikit latar belakang: murid kelas lima saya belajar tentang hak-hak anak,
In fact, I think they're putting up my grade six report.
Pada kenyataannya, saya kira mereka memasang rapor kelas enam saya.
Dai Manju was in sixth grade when her parents said,
Dai Maju masih duduk di kelas 6 SD saat orang tuanya berkata,
the best pupil in her grade.
murid terbaik di kelasnya.
Beatrice started in first grade --
Beatrice masuk ke kelas 1 SD --
in third grade.
ketika kelas 3 SD dulu.
I worked hard in school, but when I was in eighth grade,
Saya belajar keras di sekolah, tapi di kelas delapan,
And then I was just finishing my eighth grade,
Tapi saat itu saya baru menyelesaikan kelas delapan,
and we were taking girls who were in fourth grade.
Sedangkan kami hanya mengambil anak-anak yang duduk di kelas 4.
And yes, she was older to be in fourth grade.
Memang dia terlalu tua untuk kelas 4.
I think it was in my second grade that I was caught
Ketika saya duduk di kelas 2 SD, saya terpergok
until the ninth grade.
sampai kelas sembilan (3 SMP).
This film is called "World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements."
Fillm ini berjudul " Perdamaian Dunia dan Prestasi Lain dari Kelas 4."
who taught me in fourth grade
yang mengajar saya di kelas empat
When I was in the first grade, the government
Ketika saya di bangku kelas satu SD, pemerintah
But I've got to say, in first grade,
Tapi harus saya katakan, sewaktu saya di kelas satu,
These are primary school kids -- third, fourth grade --
Ini adalah anak SD -- kelas tiga, empat --
with their students keeping up at grade level,
untuk meningkatkan prestasi nilai murid-murid mereka,
a student can get one grade level higher.
meningkatkan nilai seorang murid satu peringkat lebih tinggi.
Now, when kids get to be in third or fourth grade,
Ketika anak duduk di SD kelas tiga atau empat,
to mine my friend from the third grade,
untuk mengingatkan teman saya saat kelas 3 SD,
So I just pictured a first grade teacher out in the lobby
Jadi, saya membayangkan seorang guru kelas satu di lobi
whether winning a second grade spelling bee,
Ketika saya juara dua lomba mengeja
it was actually my junior high school. I was in sixth grade.
SMP saya, saya sedang duduk di kelas 6.
that my sixth grade teacher said all year,
yang dikatakan guru kelas 6 saya saat itu,
They usually left school when they were in 7th or 8th grade.
Mereka biasanya meninggalkan sekolah ketika duduk di kelas 7 atau 8.
I'm going to start way back in the third grade
Saya akan mulai dari kisah saat saya kelas 3 SD
Let me first grade what are the most important means.
Izinkan saya menilai hal-hal yang paling penting.
because they've gone back up to grade,
karena mereka kembali lagi untuk menilai,
and the abuse had gotten so bad that he had had to drop out of school in eighth grade,
begitu parahnya sehingga dia harus keluar dari sekolah di kelas 8,
to the ninth grade.
naik ke kelas 3 SMP.
When I was in grade two, I won a city-wide speaking competition,
ketika saya duduk di kelas dua, saya berhasil menjadi juara pidato tingkat kota ..
in eighth grade at a brand new place, with a blank slate,
di kelas delapan di tempat yang baru, dengan sebuah daftar kosong,
I was in high school and got a bad grade,
Saat di sekolah menengah saya mendapat nilai yang buruk,
because particularly in those middle school years -- fifth through eighth grade --
sebab khusus di sekolah menengah tersbeut -- kelas lima hingga delapan --
who was a kindergarten and first-grade teacher,
guru TK dan SD kelas satu,
Everything you see in this picture is commercial grade:
Semua yang Anda lihat di sini adalah benda berharga --
We're making huge discoveries of large commercial-grade ore
Kami menemukan banyak sekali bijih logam berharga
You win or lose an engineer or a scientist by eighth grade.
Anda menang atau kalah, sarjana teknik atau ilmuwan, saat kelas 8.
The game is not over -- it's over by the eighth grade, it's not beginning.
Permainan belum berakhir. Selesai saat kelas 8 -- bukan permulaan.
So, the other grade is: Are we deploying this zero-emission technology,
Jadi, apakah kita menjalankan teknologi emisi nol ini,
But in some ways, the grade we get there,
Namun dalam beberapa cara, nilai kita untuk kesana,
food-grade materials.
bahan yang aman dimakan.
in the third or fourth grade -- they don't go.
di kelas tiga atau empat -- mereka tidak bersekolah sama sekali.
or in many cases, the teacher has only a fifth-grade education,
atau pada banyak kasus, para guru hanya bersekolah hingga kelas lima,
so that's highly enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium
sehingga uranium yang diperkaya dan plutonium tingkat senjata