Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
hollow brickbatu tembok
hollow eyedbermata cekung
hollow keypasak bolong
hollow millfrais-luar
hollow outmelubangi
hollow prismprisma berongga
hollow punchpipa lubang
hollow shaftporos bolong
hollow steel spoke wheelroda-jeruji baja
hollow walldinding sela-udara
hollow-cathodekatode berongga
hollowed outmelubangi
hollowing outmelubangi
a cavity or space in something
rongga atau ruang dalam sesuatu
source: WordNet 3.0


Because it's very hollow, all the noise will disappear,
Karena sangat berongga, semua kebisingan akan hilang
tend to get pulpy in their centers and hollow out.
cenderung padat di bagian tengah dan semakin kosong di luar.
loaded with hollow-point bullets pointed at my head
berisi peluru tajam yang diarahkan ke kepala saya
this hollow shell of carrot cake
kira kira, es krim kue lobak berbentuk bola kosong
? What of the wretched hollow? ?
? Tapi apa rasa hampa ini juga? ?
? But what of the wretched hollow? ?
? Tapi apa rasa hampa ini juga? ?
? And what of the wretched hollow? ?
? Tapi apa rasa hampa ini juga? ?
It was sort of a hollow in the ground.
Semacam lubang di tanah.