English to Indonesian
however | akan tetapi, bgmnpun juga, meskipun dmkn, namun |
however acquired | seberapa diperoleh |
however grave your sin | betapapun busuknya dosamu |
however | |
adverb |
despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
meski apa pun untuk sebaliknya (yang biasanya mengikuti suatu konsesi)
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)in however you can do it. dengan cara apapun yang Anda bisa.
the little chunk of metal is free to act however it wanted. potongan kecil logam ini bebas untuk melakukan apa saja.
It, however, is enormous Tantangan ini, bagaimanapun juga, sangatlah besar
However, two-thirds of the way there was a barrier. Namun, ada penghalang pada sepertiga bagian panggung di belakang.
However, there is a problem with that, Akan tetapi, ada satu masalah,
However, it was possible, finally, Akan tetapi, akhirnya terwujud, akhirnya,
however, not so with the interior. tetapi hal ini berbeda dengan dunia batin.
However, there is a close, permanently maintained bond Akan tetapi, terdapat sebuah ikatan yang sangat erat dan permanen
However, an 18 year-old trying to start a school Namun, bagi seseorang yang berumur 18 tahun yang merintis sebuah sekolah
We have to ask ourselves these questions, however unpalatable. Kita perlu mempertanyakan hal-hal tersebut, meski mungkin ini tidak menyenangkan.
However, I've found that listening to a computer voice Tapi menurut saya, mendengarkan suara komputer
however many obstacles you have faced in your life, betapa pun banyak masalah yang telah Anda hadapi dalam hidup,
However, I felt like I had looked at enough photos of dodo skulls Namun, saya merasa telah melihat cukup banyak foto tengkorak dodo
However, it's hard sometimes Namun, terkadang sulit
However, what occurred to me was Namun, apa yang tampak bagi saya adalah
However, to me, the 500 is Namun, bagi saya, 500 situs itu
The catch, however, to this Namun dampak dari ini
However, there was another case, the Eastland, Namun, di Eastland, ada kasus lain,
I loved that. Spend the time however you want. Saya sangat menyukainya. Habiskan waktu itu sesukamu.
However, there are 6.3 million people worldwide Namun ada 6,3 juta orang di dunia
Private firms, however large they are, like Lenovo, Perusahaan swasta, seberapa besarpun mereka, seperti Lenovo,
He did not think so, however, Dia tidak merasa demikian,
However, in the same survey, only four percent Namun, dalam survei yang sama, hanya empat persen
However, it died in the lab Namun, dia meninggal di laboratorium
When it came to our atmosphere, however, Namun saat CO2 itu keluar ke atmosfer,
However, there's more to know about your parent star Namun, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui tentang bintang induk
However, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Namun, ini hanyalah puncak dari gunung es.
in any subject however bizarre -- di dalam subjek seaneh apapun --
however hard the calculating. tidak peduli betapa sulit perhitungannya.
And it happened so fast in the United States, however, Bagaimanapun, hal ini terjadi sangat cepat di Amerika Serikat,
However, you pick them up and underneath, Namun, saat Anda mengambilnya dan dibawahnya,
However, largely to our surprise, Akan tetapi, sayangnya,
and it says that it "doesn't rank high in quality, however." dan dikatakan bahwa apel itu, "bagaimanapun, tidak termasuk mutu yang baik."
However, this would mean having killed Namun, hal ini berarti kita membunuh
However this is still a minority Namun ini baru sebagian kecil
I, however, have a problem very close to home. Tapi ada masalah lainyang sangat dekat dengan saya.
However, neuroscientists have identified certain patterns Namun, para ilmuwan syaraf telah mengidentifikasi pola tertentu
However, you notice, since empty space gives off radiation, Namun, Anda tahu karena luar angkasa yang hampa memancarkan radiasi,
So you can tailor your honey to taste however you want Jadi Anda dapat menyesuaikan rasa madunya sesuka Anda
However, if I use as an example a family of five Namun jika saya mengambil contoh, cobalah bayangkan
However, there is a secret to work with entrepreneurs. Bagaimanapun, ada rahasia untuk dapat bekerjasama dengan wiraswastawan.
however, doesn't tally that neatly with my own experience. tidak benar-benar cocok dengan pengalaman saya sendiri.
One of the magical things about this journey, however, Namun salah satu hal ajaib dalam perjalanan ini
And I would add a cautionary note here, however. Namun saya ingin menambahkan peringatan di sini.
Music is not the only kind of sound, however, which affects your emotions. Musik bukan satu-satunya jenis suara yang mempengaruhi emosi anda.
However, they will adopt a less natural posture Namun, mereka akan mengambil posisi yang lebih tidak alami
however, we believe in the security namun, kita meyakini akan
However there is a political battle Namun, masih ada perang politik
and took their advice, however right or wrong. dan mendengarkan pendapat mereka, baik benar ataupun salah.
However, we now believe Namun, kini kami percaya