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English to Indonesian
ice age zaman es


Well, we were going into the worst part of the last ice age.
Kita memasuki bagian terparah dari zaman es terakhir.
The last ice age started roughly 120,000 years ago.
Zaman es terakhir mulai sekitar 120.000 tahun lalu.
The grasslands at that time -- this was during the last ice age --
Padang rumput pada waktu itu -- saat itu pada zaman es terakhir --
inside the Arctic Circle, during the last ice age --
dalam lingkaran Arktik, dalam zaman es terakhir --
One percent doesn't sound like a lot, but it would cause one hell of an ice age here.
Satu persen tampak tidak banyak, namun hal itu akan menyebabkan jaman es parah di sini.
you could create an ice age at a cost of .001 percent of GDP.
Anda bisa membuat jaman es hanya dengan 0.001 persen dari PDB.