English to Indonesian
injury | tidak adil, penghinaan, kerugian |
injury | |
noun |
any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
kerusakan fisik pada tubuh yang disebabkan oleh kekerasan atau kecelakaan atau patah tulang dll
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)but end up with an injury. tetapi berakhir dengan cedera.
And the most devastating injury Dan cedera paling dahsyat
with no injury to the brain, tanpa cedera di otak,
of psychological, physical injury I've ever seen yang paling mengerikan yang pernah saya temui,
at identifying the injury, dalam mengenali luka,
and apparently without injury, without problems. dan tanpa cedera, tanpa masalah
the conversation turns to injury. Anda akan bicara tentang cedera.
is that the running injury is new to our time. cedera karena berlari baru ada pada masa kita.
carried their elderly and those with serious physical injury, membopong para lansia dan mereka yang secara fisik terluka
all of those immune cells rushing to the site of the injury semua sel imun bergerak menuju lokasi luka tadi
spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, cedera tulang belakang, penyakit otot,
the world's first human embryonic stem cell trial for spinal cord injury percobaan pertama sel punca embrio manusia untuk cedera tulang belakang di dunia
actually had a bad back. He'd probably had an injury as a child. memiliki punggung yang tidak sempurna -- kemungkinan, dia mendapatkan cedera semasa kecil.
and some wearing motorbike helmets to prevent injury. dan beberapa memakai helm untuk mencegah cedera.
from an injury. dari cedera.
But kids are more vulnerable to brain injury. Namun anak-anak lebih rentan cedera.
After that first injury, Setelah cedera pertama itu
their risk for second injury risiko mereka akan cedera kedua
From there, their risk for a third injury, Dari sana, risiko mereka akan cedera ketiga,
CO Kids With Brain Injury. CO Kids With Brain Injury.
is to prevent that first injury from happening. adalah mencegah terjadinya cedera pertama.
but then he got a severe back injury in Iraq, namun kemudian dia mengalami kecelakaan parah ketika di Irak,
In fact, it carried risk of injury. Bahkan, itu membawa risiko cedera.
Injury crashes have dropped 76 percent, Kecelakaan yang menimbulkan korban luka berkurang 76 persen.