English to Indonesian
intellect | akal, kecerdasan |
intellection | intelektual |
intellectual | menurut kecerdasan, cendekiawan |
intellectualism | intelektualisme |
intellectually | dengan beralasan |
intellect | |
noun |
knowledge and intellectual ability
pengetahuan dan kemampuan intelektual
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)through not only the intellect, but through the heart. melalui, bukan hanya otak, namun melalui hati.
As man's intellect and technology have evolved Dengan meningkatnya intelektualitas manusia dan teknologi,
substituting our intellect menggantikan akal
It turns out that 90 percent of all the oceanographic intellect Ternyata 90 persen dari ahli oseanografi
where products of intellect, science and art dimana produk intelektual, ilmu pengetahuan, dan seni
I've seen him lose his intellect, his sense of humor, his language skills, Saya melihatnya kehilangan kecerdasan, selera humor, dan kemampuan berbahasanya,