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English to Indonesian
intercostal ks. diantara tulang-tulang iga.
muscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration
otot-otot antara tulang rusuk, mereka berkontraksi selama inspirasi
source: WordNet 3.0
between the ribs as intercostal
antara tulang rusuk seperti intercostal
and the lower intercostal spaces
dan ruang intercostal lebih rendah
contracted by the intercostal muscles
dikontrak oleh otot otot intercostal
connecting intercostal veins with
menghubungkan pembuluh darah intercostal dengan
the abdomen and intercostal muscles
otot otot perut dan intercostal
the lower intercostal spaces and
ruang intercostal lebih rendah dan
the ribs as intercostal respiration
tulang rusuk seperti intercostal respirasi
veins connecting intercostal veins
urat menghubungkan pembuluh darah intercostal