English to Indonesian
isolated | mengasingkan |
isolated atom | atom tersekat |
isolated system | sistem terisolasi |
isolated | |
adjective satellite |
not close together in time
tidak berdekatan dalam waktu
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)very isolated tribes of subsistence farmers ke suku terasing yang hidup dari bertani
are most isolated and violated sangatlah terisolasi, tak dihargai,
I would be as isolated as a hermit. saya akan terisolasi seperti seorang pertapa.
to decide, whether they should, or not, be isolated. untuk memutuskan, apakah mereka harus diisolir atau tidak.
that they're isolated, bahwa mereka terisolasi,
Two years, I was ostracized, I was stigmatized, I was isolated, Dua tahun saya terkucil, terstigma, dan terkurung,
or in some isolated bit of the universe. atau di bagian alam semesta yang terisolasi.
It was an isolated incident, Itu adalah peristiwa satu-satunya
that I was going to have these -- feeling incredibly isolated?" bahwa aku akan merasa -- merasa benar-benar dikucilkan?"
So Alisa's experience is not isolated. Pengalaman ini tidak hanya dialami Alisa.
that was isolated from the bioluminescent chemistry yang diisolasikan dari bahan kimia bioluminesens
What if every seemingly isolated object Bagaimana jika setiap objek yang tampaknya terisolasi
in a few isolated cases pada beberapa kasus tersendiri
But in the past few months, researchers have also isolated Tapi pada beberapa bulan terakhir, peneliti juga telah mengisolasi
who were isolated from one another, yang terisolasi satu dengan yang lain,
They would have felt isolated, Mereka akan merasa terasing,
isolated alone together. orang-orang yang terisolir, bersama-sama.
where a group of these human ancestors have been isolated, dimana sekelompok leluhur manusia telah terisolasi
The Tasmanians were isolated. Bangsa Tasmania terisolasi.
I would feel very isolated during these discussions. Saya merasa sangat terkucil selama diskusi ini.
if it leaves us all isolated in a Web of one. jika kita menjadi terisolasi di satu Web.
and ending up diplomatically isolated. dan akhirnya dikucilkan secara diplomatis.
It's actually a Bronze Age culture that's been isolated. Inilah tempat di mana budaya Jaman Perunggu terkurung.
is to pick these isolated incidents of success, memilih suatu daerah terpencil yang berhasil ditangani,
of isolated hunter-gatherer bands dari kumpulan pengumpul-pemburu yang terisolasi
isolated from the rest of the environment, yang terpisahkan dari lingkungan,
it's not isolated points on a map anymore, sehingga titik-titik ini tidak lagi terisolasi,
And this is not an isolated story. Ini bukan cerita tersendiri.