Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
kiss mencium, kecup
kiss awayberfoya-foya
kiss of deathpembuat rugi
kiss the bookbersumpah
kiss the crossmenyerah
kiss the dustmencium debu
kiss the rodmenyerah
kissed awayberfoya-foya
kissed of lifememberi bantuan pernapasan
kissed the bookbersumpah
kissed the crossmenyerah
kissed the dustmencium debu
kissed the rodmenyerah
kisserkb. 1 pencium. 2 Sl.: mulut.
kissing awayberfoya-foya
kissing of lifememberi bantuan pernapasan
kissing the bookbersumpah
kissing the crossmenyerah
kissing the dustmencium debu
touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.
berhubungan dengan bibir atau tekan bibir (melawan mulut orang s atau bagian tubuh lainnya) sebagai ekspresi cinta, ucapan, dll
source: WordNet 3.0


gave him a kiss on his forehead and said, "Goodnight, mate,"
memberinya ciuman di keningnya dan berkata, "Selamat malam, teman,"
Planning is the kiss of death of entrepreneurship.
Perencanaan adalah ciuman kematian bagi wiraswasta.
My wife wouldn't kiss me for the last two months.
Istri saya tidak mau mencium saya selama dua bulan.
and so he seals the relationship with an eternal kiss.
sehingga dia mencap hubungan mereka dengan ciuman abadi.
SW: That's good. Can you blow them a kiss?
SW: Bagus. Kami bisa memberikan mereka ciuman?
trying to break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me
di tengah kepanikan, agar mereka tidak mencium saya
And finally, it ended with "Kiss my ass."
Dan akhirnya, berakhir dengan "Cium pantatku."
or you could kiss your birthday party goodbye.
atau ucapkan selamat tinggal pada pesta ulang tahun Anda.
It is the marriage kiss of death
Itulah ciuman kematian pernikahan
I think there was a first-kiss moment
Saya rasa pada adegan ciuman pertama
but the kiss that's being documented kind of looks like it sucks.
tapi ciuman yang didokumentasikan terlihat seperti tidak enak.
We dance, we kiss, we sing,
Kita berdansa, berciuman, bernyanyi,