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English to Indonesian
knee lutut
knee boltbaut lutut
knee deepsetinggi lutut
knee highsetinggi lutut
knee jointkopeling lutut
knee-captempurung lutut
knee-jointsendi lutut
kneecapkb. tempurung lutut.
kneel, kneltberlutut
kneepadkb. pelindung lutut.
knees of the godsbelum pasti
hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella
engsel sendi di kaki manusia yang menghubungkan tibia dan fibula dengan tulang paha dan dilindungi di depan dengan patella
source: WordNet 3.0


And as he was diving, someone had stamped on his knee,
Ketika dia 'diving', seseorang menjegal lututnya,
30 cubits from foot to knee.
30 hasta dari kaki hingga lutut.
Knee-jerk legislation, emergency provision legislation --
Undang-undang otomatis, legislasi persediaan darurat —
So I tore my knee joint meniscus cartilage
Jadi tulang rawan meniskus pada lutut saya sobek
Then I went on to tear my ACL, the ligament in my knee,
Lalu ACL saya, ligamen pada lutut saya juga sobek
and then developed an arthritic knee.
dan menjadi radang sendi.
"Hey, Doc, isn't there just a shock absorber you can put in my knee?
"Dokter, apa ada pelindung kejutan yang bisa dipasang di lutut?
right into that [knee] joint space.
di ruang antara persendian lututnya.
to stabilize the knee.
untuk menstabilkannya.
So here's my wife's bad knee on the left,
Jadi inilah lutut kiri istri saya yang sakit.
just nine months after having destroyed her knee,
sembilan bulan setelah lututnya remuk
and having a paste graft to that knee.
dan mendapat operasi pencangkokan pada lutut itu.
to regrow that in a patient's knee.
untuk ditumbuhkan di dalam lutut pasien.
into a patient's knee.
pada lutut pasien.
What about getting to a total biologic knee replacement,
Bagaimana dengan mengganti seluruh lutut ini
arthritic surface in your knee,
permukaan sendi pada lutut Anda,
and then create a new biologic surface for your knee.
lalu menciptakan permukaan biologis baru untuk lutut Anda.
We're going to rebuild your knee with the parts.
Kami akan membuat kembali lutut Anda dengan itu.
than you might have injured in your knee,
daripada jaringan yang rusak di lutut Anda,
and so this is how we can get biologic knee replacement
Lalu beginilah kita akan mendapat penggantian lutut biologis
to my right knee,
hingga lutut kanan saya,
and a steel bar went from my right knee
dan besi dipasang dari lutut kanan saya
to the good parts of my knee and my hip.
dengan bagian yang bagus dari lutut dan panggul saya.
Who knows, maybe one of your atoms was once Napoleon's knee.
Siapa tahu, mungkin salah satu atom dalam tubuh Anda pernah ada di lutut Napoleon.
she could get on my knee, she could snot my sleeve up,
dia bisa naik ke lutut saya, membuang ingus di lengan baju saya,
as well as her knee joints,
dan juga di lututnya
just in sort of shallow knee-deep water.
di sekitar perairan yang dalamnya selutut.
who said that he was "knee-deep in the decisive year."
yang berkata "lututnya terendam dalam tahun yang menentukan".
he was down on one knee, he had the ring out.
Si lelaki sudah berlutut, dan mengeluarkan cincin.
(Text: ... any person with a below the knee limb could do this.
(teks... setiap orang dengan kaki utuh dapat melakukan ini.
past our knee-jerk reactions,
melewati tanggapan otomatis kita
This is the year of the Wounded Knee Massacre.
Inilah tahun pembantaian "Wounded Knee."
U.S. troops surrounded a Sioux encampment at Wounded Knee Creek
tentara Amerika Serikat mengepung barak suku Sioux di sungai Wounded Knee
The Wounded Knee massacre
Pembantaian Wounded Knee
of the mass grave at Wounded Knee,
kuburan massal di Wounded Knee,
before Wounded Knee and after.
peristiwa Wounded Knee dapat diukur.
more than a century after the massacre at Wounded Knee,
lebih dari satu abad setelah pembantaian di Wounded Knee,
at my mother's knee.
aku melafalkan syair itu sambil bersimpuh di kaki ibuku.
My leg from the knee down
Kaki saya dari lutut ke bawah