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English to Indonesian
last night semalam


HIV in Africa, President Clinton last night.
HIV di Afrika, Presiden Clinton tadi malam.
in the hotel room last night, and some people that I didn't know,
di dalam kamar hotel tadi malam, dan beberapa orang yang saya tidak kenal,
? I heard "Desperate Housewives" was great last night ?
? Aku dengar Desperate Housewives tadi malam bagus ?
And she told me last night, in the three months since we've done it,
Dan kemarin dia memberitahu saya dalam waktu tiga bulan sejak kami memulainya,
"Oh my God, that wasn't there last night. Ooooohh!
dan berkata "Oh Tuhan, kemarin tato itu tidak ada di sana. Oooooohh!
Green roofs. Bill McDonough covered that last night, so I won't dwell on that too much.
Atap hijau. Bill McDonough membahasnya tadi malam, jadi saya tidak akan menggali lebih dalam.
And as we heard last night, as we've heard earlier this week,
Dan seperti yang kita dengar tadi malam, seperti yang telah kita dengar pada awal minggu ini,
And I was happy to see that at the party last night
Dan saya senang melihat itu di pesta tadi malam
So, like Galois, I stayed up all last night
Jadi, seperti Galois, saya begadang sepanjang malam kemarin
so I got here last night and I know everything.
saya sampai sini semalam dan saya tahu segalanya.
last night in my hotel room,
semalam di kamar hotel saya,