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English to Indonesian
league of nationsliga bangsa-bangsa
an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
sebuah asosiasi tim-tim olahraga yang menyelenggarakan pertandingan untuk anggotanya
source: WordNet 3.0


a justice league of dancers that believe
suatu persatuan yang adil yang terbentuk dari para penari yang percaya
busy collecting Ivy League decals for our classic Ambassador car.
sibuk mengumpulkan stiker Ivy League untuk mobil klasik Ambassador kami.
The League of Extraordinary Dancers, the LXD.
The League of Extraordinary Dancers, atau LXD.
So I went and saw Amr Moussa at the League of Arab States.
Jadi saya pergi dan menemui Amr Moussa di Liga Negara Arab.
the Justice League of America will be teaming up with The 99.
Justice League Amerika akan bergabung dengan "The 99".
to the Justice League of America.
ke Justice League Amerika.
League of Conservation Voters, by the way, the analysis of all the questions --
Liga Pemilih Konservatif, analisa dari seluruh pertanyaan tersebut-
he leaves work early to coach Little League.
dia pulang kerja lebih cepat untuk melatih Little League.
We had stories like "The Seven-League Boots":
Ada kisah seperti "Sepatu Bot Tujuh-League,"
Now we have the seven-league boots
Lalu ada sepatu bot tujuh-league
The Women's League of Burma,
Perserikatan Wanita Burma --
One was that he, too, had just graduated from an Ivy League school,
Yang pertama adalah dia juga baru lulus dari sekolah Ivy League
Which is why that Ivy League degree
Karena itulah gelar Ivy League,
At the top of the international league table
Yang berada di puncak tabel liga internasional
and, in fact, they dominate the league by the time they're done.
dan mereka mendominasi liga.