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English to Indonesian
liberated membebaskan
adjective satellite
(of a gas e.g.) released from chemical combination
(Dari misalnya gas) dilepaskan dari kombinasi kimia
source: WordNet 3.0


has been liberated from calculating.
telah bebas dari beban perhitungan.
technology has liberated and made it accessible.
teknologi telah bebas tersebar dan mudah diakses.
when Holland was liberated
saat Belanda dibebaskan
because we were liberated from fear
karena kita telah dibebaskan dari ketakutan
and who have liberated themselves
dan telah membebaskan diri mereka
when the constituents are liberated,
saat bagian-bagian minyak ini terlepas,
But yeah, it has liberated us
benar, begitulah. Teknologi membebaskan kita